Never give unsolicited advice, especially to single parents.
Parenting is the toughest job out there. It all seems fun and games until you are in a parent’s position. You may give advice to others but you have no idea what they are going through and why they are doing what they are doing. Being a single parent is even tougher and we appreciate every single parent out there. You guys are doing a great job! Keep your spirits high!
Today, we have a Reddit story of a single father who went grocery shopping with his six months old son. Obviously, he could not leave him alone at home. Since the kid is teething, he was acting irritated and started crying at the grocery store. A lady noticed him and kept making comments at him. OP ignored her as much as he could but she said something unreasonable that made him snap at her. Scroll down to get into the whole story and judge who was wrong.
1. OP (27M) went grocery shopping with his 6 month old son who is teething.
2. A lady kept popping up at every aisle OP was in.
3. OP was trying to hurry up putting everything in the bags at the check-out line while his son was crying.
4. This lady said something to OP that really got him to confront her.
5. The lady apologized to OP at the parking lot.
This woman did not stop and kept making no-sense remarks. We appreciate OP for snapping at her because it was important. Some people never stop with their nonsense until you give them a shut-up call. One should never give free advice and please stop judging parents. You never know what they are going through. Scroll down to read what Reddit users think about it.
6. The lady was shaming OP for being a father.
Via u/stormgaurd
7. Kids cry in public places and all the people who have been parents know this.
Via u/Hellollie
8. Never offer unsolicited advice.
Via u/biteme789
9. OP did a great job by snapping at her.
10. People need to stop being nosy about a child crying.
11. OP does not have to feel sorry for anything.
12. The woman was not just nosy but SEXIST.
Via u/elisekatrinaa
Making sexist remarks is the lowest of lows. Putting someone in a position where they have to explain to a stranger that their significant other/soulmate has passed away is disgusting. It is difficult to talk about the loss of our loved ones but this lady made him do it. OP is definitely NTA. OP you are doing great, don’t lose hope. What do you guys think about it? AH or NTA? Don’t forget to comment down!