Cats are wonderful creatures and we can’t get enough of them.
Cats as we all know are beautiful creatures and probably take the first place for being the cutest and the most fluffiest beings on the face of planet Earth. Cat’s have been a part of the internet eversince its birth and why not? Why shouldn’t our computers and the internet bring us pictures of these adorable little babies after all that’s what our screens are for. There’s a reason why the birth of Youtube and other social networks have a separate tab for cats and we couldn’t agree more. Today we bring you 10 adorable kitties brought to you by the awesome reddit community. All of these kitties are doing what they do and that’s all that makes people take out their cameras and snap their cat’s pictures. Here you go:
1. What is this catto doing?
2. Can you look somewhere else?
3. A hidden ninja kitty.
4. Batman? Catman? You be the judge.
5. Look at this lough of bread.
Having fu going through this list? These kitties are adorable and we’d like to know more about them. Cat’s are honestly an internet sensation. The internet is incomplete without their existence and in real life they’re the best pets ever. They mind their own business, love you in a perfect unconditional way and look extremely cute being their fluffy selves. Scroll down below for even more kitties.
6. Who hurt him?
7. Hello! Get you ice-cream from this truck.
8. ”My boy Eddie sleeping.”
9. Majestic toebeans.
10. ”Winston wanted to pop in to say hello.”
And with that we conclude this list, Let us know in the comment section below which of these kitties made it to your top list and which of these kitties remind you of your own kitty at home, we’re sure cat owners are familiar with cat behaviours like these.