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Bridezilla Threatens The Manager To Call The Police Over A Server Who Wore A Low Cut Shirt And Tight Pants

Bridezilla Threatens The Manager To Call The Police Over A Server Who Wore A Low Cut Shirt And Tight Pants

Some bridezillas take their wedding day too serious and do unreasonable things that make the guests upset.

Planning a wedding is not easy. The bride and groom want everything to be perfect on their wedding day but one should not go crazy over their wedding. Some people have high expectations of their guests and they want everyone to comply. A bridezilla shared on Reddit how a server tried ruining her wedding day. After getting the photos, everyone headed for cocktail hour. Everyone was asked to wear minimal makeup and dark dresses so the bride and groom could stand up. But OP noticed that a server was wearing too much eyeliner, diamond studs, a flashy ring, low cut shirt and tight pants. OP called the manager and complained about the server. The manager sent the server back into the kitchen but OP noticed that the server was out again serving dinner after an hour. OP complained again and the manager sent the server back into the kitchen. After several hours, the server was seen again but this time, OP threatened the manager to call the police. Scroll down to read what this bridezilla did next.

1. OP got married last week. After getting the pictures, they headed to the cocktail hour. Everyone in their wedding was asked to wear dark colors and minimal makeup.


Via: u/Present-Ad-3934

2. The server at the cocktail hour was wearing too much eyeliner, diamond studs, a flashy ring, a nose stud, low-cut shirt and tight pants. OP talked to the boss of the staff.


Via: u/Present-Ad-3934

3. OP saw the server again serving the food. OP called the boss and she told OP that they were short-staffed. After some hours, OP saw the server again but this time, OP told the boss that she will call the cops if she saw her again.


Via: u/Present-Ad-3934

4. OP’s husband and MIL think that OP was acting crazy but she thinks that it was her wedding and she can do whatever she wants to.


Via: u/Present-Ad-3934

5. OP was being jealous of someone who had no intention of drawing any attention.


Via: u/Present-Ad-3934

6. OP thinks that facial piercings are not appropriate work attire.

Via: u/Present-Ad-3934

7. OP needs to control her insecurities.


Via: u/Present-Ad-3934

8. It was not the server’s piercings that bothered OP, it was how she looked that bothered OP.

Via: u/Present-Ad-3934

OP ruined her day by giving all her attention to a server who had no intentions of drawing anyone’s attention. Poor server was just doing her job. OP is delusional and a jealous lady who on her wedding day despite wearing expensive clothes and shoes thought that a server wearing a black shirt and pants was outshining her.

9. The things that OP didn’t like about the server could have been fixed.


Via: u/Present-Ad-3934

10. The server didn’t change anything after OP’s complaints.

Via: u/Present-Ad-3934

11. “God help everyone when you have kids”


Via: u/Present-Ad-3934

12. OP is no one to set a server’s dress code.

Via: u/Present-Ad-3934

13. Imagine police showing up at the venue just to hear that they were called to arrest someone who looked better than the bride.


Via: u/Present-Ad-3934

14. OP ruined her own day.

Via: u/Present-Ad-3934

15. The manager must have not terminated the server.


Via: u/Present-Ad-3934

Do you agree that OP is TAH for thinking that a teenager was distracting her guests? Let us know in the comments section.

Here is a wholesome cat tax:


Via: u/TattsMcGee

“We brought two little sibling voids home this weekend, here they are at work orientation this morning.”


What do you think?