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36 Cat Memes That Hilariously Show What Your Cat Is Going Through

Let’s just get one thing straight. Something we all can agree on: Cats are adorable. No matter what they do or how they do, they can look all cute and sassy at the end of the day. But not to forget, they can also be weird sometimes. In fact, if you live with a cat right now, you basically live with a small four leg-ed weirdo. Cats are capable of loving to the extent that it completely shows. But they can also be very expressive about things or situations they find rather irrelevant to them. When it comes to communicating their inner thoughts to their favorite hooman, they’re definitely not shy about it. These majesties will make sure you go through what they’re going through, too. Maybe not exactly go through it, but know EXACTLY what is going on in that little brain of theirs. It’s a tough job being a cat owner. Having to put up with their love and sass is something a normal man can’t achieve. So, kudos to you all cat owners.

And for those who aren’t cat owners, here are some great cats caught in the right moment of expressing their thoughts. Something that most non-speaking beings can’t do, cats have their way with it too. Scroll down and see for yourself!

1. A Co-Driver?


You gotta be kitten me.

2. The audacity of this young cat!!!


We are flabbergasted.

3. The cat wants what it wants.


And they’re pretty straight about it.

4. Should’ve asked for the cat’s approval.


He’d still be okay. We mean…it’s just a BOX.

5. When you take matters in your own hands…


Gotta do what you like.

6. You know the saddest thing about betrayal?


It never comes from your enemies.

7. ‘Mom and dad ate your Halloween candy’…

We’ll let that face deal with it.

8. These cats at the library


Will make you turn in your books and just play.

9. When you’re a cat and can’t help it.

It’s always calm after the storm.

10. The time has come…


Gotta step up my game.

11. If you’re the favorite and you know it…

Pull your proud face for us.

12. When you fight with your best friend but have no other friends to go to…


So you hug it out ASAP!!!

13. That face disapproves.

Pies? What Pies? I know nuffin!

14. When you’re alone and want to play.



15. Somebody get this cat a magazine about mice!!

Satisfied cats are the best cats

16. You know you’ve had a nice sleep when this happens


Ughhh. Too comfy.

17. Anything for attention baby!

Look at the leg. Look at it.

18. Caught red handed…


‘It’s not what you think!’

We’re sure you’re slowly getting the idea of what we meant when we said cats aren’t shy to express their thoughts. Yup! It’s a roller coaster ride of emotions and expressions with these cats at home. Good for us, we get to enjoy these moments and love them even more. There’s still more to see by the way, don’t miss that.

19. There’s only one way out…

Sleep! Can’t take the pressure no more.

20. The face you make before sneeze


We feel it.

21. You don’t say!!!

We’ll just move on to the belly then.

22. How kids greet you when you come home vs when they find out you got them nothing.


Listen here you lil sh*t.

23. Cats have feelings too…

Went from 100 to 0 real quick.

24. When the cat makes your life better.


Ummm no, we don’t

25. Doctor Cat wants to see you meow.

Sure don’t wanna run another CAT scan?

26. If this ain’t relatable, we don’t know what is.


This is what happens when you step out in the sun after months.

27. When you try to remain cool…

But your eyes give it away.

28. The best gift a cat can get


And no sharing of course!

29. We say give this woman 13/10 for the details

Her artistic skills are on point.

30. What we all aspire to be at some point in life…


Don’t mind at all

31. Say No to drama.

Not too soon. Everybody loves a little drama in life.

32. When you get a drama queen instead of a cat


Keeps you entertained at all times.

33. Nothing makes you happier than this!

What’s next? Trip to France? Oui.

34. ‘I know these cats were up to something’


Didn’t know…this.

35. Good things happen to those who hustle

And if it’s a cat, You’ve hit a jackpot.

36. Getting ready for the picture day at school be like…


You make sure everybody sees it.

Perfect cat expressions for a perfect day. These cats haven’t failed to put a smile on our faces. They never do actually. But this time it was better than before. We’re somewhat ready for cats to take over our planet because we’re THAT much in love. And nobody can stop us from sharing these amazing cat moments with you guys. What was your favorite moment from all of the above? Let us know in the comments section below!


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