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Karen Customer Rages Over Broken Wi-Fi, Café Manager Serves Karen Reality Check

Everyone enjoys a good revenge story. Because in an unjust world, it’s gratifying to see someone pay for their actions. Oftentimes, there are a lot of people who think they’re entitled and don’t care about other people’s feelings. People who are nasty and entitled think that the world revolves around them and they surely deserve a taste of their own medicine; these people are a nightmare for some workers and are infamous for requesting to speak with the manager.

Karen’s are everywhere, you can find them in different malls, restaurants, events, or even at the workplace where you work. They’re ready to dish out toxic behavior to hard-working employees who are just trying to get by in the service industry. Likewise, we came across a story of another Karen. But, this time the Karen was going to get a fresh, hot dose of reality, and a smack in the face with the harsh truth. For her, the manager’s plan of revenge was brilliant and ruthlessly effective.

Just keep scrolling to read the whole revenge story and don’t forget to pour in your suggestions to Karen in the comment section below.

So, this manager works at a non-listed Internet Café, where he met a Karen.

Via u/teezej

Unfortunately, the WIFI at the café was broken. Everyone at the café was fine with it except Karen.

Via u/teezej

We’ve all been exposed to Karen’s toxic personality somewhere in our life. If you haven’t already, we bet you’ve heard about Karen on social media and in other stories of revenge. As an employee, it might be challenging to deal with folks like this when things aren’t going well at work. Obviously, as an employee, it’s difficult to keep track of both your work and Karen’s at the same time.

The guy was the manager at the café, and he usually let things go. This time, though, he did not.

Via  u/teezej

When the manager guessed Karen’s MAC address and permanently blocked her, her face lit up with rage. She stormed over to the manager.

Via  u/teezej

The Karen revenge stories have taken over the internet once again, but we can’t forget that these are regrettably actual people that roam around us everywhere. Literally, we can’t ignore these obnoxious people in this world. Sigh!! Poor customer service personnel are forced to deal with people like these on a daily basis, as other customers are held up by their antics.

Many people pour in their similar experiences with Karen on the story post.

So, we finally read the whole story where Karen yells at the manager of the café when her WI-FI doesn’t work. Many people shared their experiences that were similar to this story. Let’s have a look, at what this stranger commented on this story post.

Via u/teezej
Via  u/teezej

What would you have done to Karen if you were the manager of the café? Let us know in the comment section below. Also, don’ forget to share this revenge story with your friends/colleagues who had a similar experience at their workplace.


What do you think?