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Neglected Dog Gets Rescued, Starts Rescuing Other Animals

Everyone has a special corner in their heart for pets, but when it comes to rescued pups and kitties, the love is just overflowing. It is beautiful to see how these rescued pets gradually open themselves up to their new owners and start trusting and reciprocating their love, Although it is really hard for them, as they have been through hell already, it is still very inspiring to see them give life and freedom another chance.

The story that we are bringing forward today is none other than a very beautiful and brave dog, who was not just hopeless because of the mistreatment and tyranny he went through but also helped other animals overcome the same trauma he did. It is not only a story worth telling but also an example for all the individuals to look around and see the problems that these animals are facing.

Many of his friends that he helped rescue include loads of kitties, horses, several birds, hedgehogs, and sometimes even human beings, as it not only gives them a chance to redemption but gives them a new purpose in life. When Neo was rescued, he was just a thin layer of skin and bones, Dovahsaurarserex just could not resist helping Neo and giving him another shot at life, where he could be happy and thrive. This story is not only wholesome but will also make your heart swoon with love and happiness!

Let us dive right into it!

1. Meet Neo, the brave and beautiful!

via Dovahsaurarserex

“He is 50% GSD, 29% golden retriever, 10% border collie and the rest are a super mutt. He is 10 years old.”

2. Before he was taken under Dovahsaurarserex care!

via Dovahsaurarserex  

This is him at 10 months old, the day I got him. He was severely neglected and flinched a lot”

3. This is him after he was showered with love!

via Dovahsaurarserex

“A few months after I got him”

4. Helping a kitty!

via Dovahsaurarserex

“He is the best dog ever. I fostered orphan kittens under 6 weeks old. He took it upon himself to provide body heat as kittens that are 2 weeks old can’t regulate their own temperature. (This is our cat Sooty) He would choose to sleep on the floor with the kittens and provide the heat and when the kittens needed bottle feeding he would wake me up throughout the night so I could do this.”

5. Taking a horse under his wing!

via Dovahsaurarserex

“He would also try to bring comfort to lost animals. This horse was found wandering around in summer with no water. He would help coax the horse into following me so I could lead the horse to a nice safe patch of grass and stay with the horse while I fetched a bucket of water.”

6. Little birdie found a new home!

via Dovahsaurarserex

“A few years back on a walk, he alerted me to this juvie jackdaw (corvid species) that was wandering a quiet footpath on a summer’s day. The bird began following him and pulling on his tail. I shared my water with the bird and tried to get it to fly but it seemed to have an injury to the wing. I took the bird to an avian vet who confirmed the bird had been attacked by something and that it wouldn’t fly until healed. So we took it in as the bird was found near my home and nursed it back to health. Neo liked having the bird around. After a week or two, the bird was able to fly and we released it. The bird would recognise my dog and me and swoop down to land on us, caw in our face and join us on walks until the day we moved. I took the bird in as I knew its flock wouldn’t be too far from the house and on the day of release they welcomed it back.”

7. Hedgehogs are now his best friends!

via Dovahsaurarserex

8. Boop the hedgehog!

via Dovahsaurarserex

“This hedgehog was out during the day and in winter, Neo found it and brought me to it. It was young and confused so after a vet check and a couple of calls we kept it with us in the winter, fed it and made sure it was healthy enough to release in spring. We tagged it too so we could track it and I am happy to report it reached adulthood and had young of its own.”

9. Love the new bestie – kitty and a birdie!

via Dovahsaurarserex

“This is one of the kittens and my cockatiel who kept letting itself out of his cage. No animals were unsupervised during this. The cockatiel had a padlock on the door in the end.”

10. He absolutely loves snow…

via Dovahsaurarserex

“His first snow. Not impressed”

11. He has grown to like it more now I guess!

via Dovahsaurarserex

“He likes snow now”

12. He is absolutely paw-fact!

via Dovahsaurarserex

“My health took a turn for the worst, I began having seizures. This boy constantly alerted me before they would happen. He became my service/ assistance dog and I relied on him to alert me before anything would happen. He did amazingly in public access which is why he became a service dog.”

13. He is your best friend, savior, and companion!

via Dovahsaurarserex

“My neighbour went missing a good few years back and her family came to me and Neo for help. The police didn’t take it seriously but it was out of character for this lady. Neo had been known to find missing pets already by tracking them down and had a success rate of 90%. We found our neighbour’s body sadly. It was suicide, she had her sons ashes with her.”

14. Doing what he loves!

via Dovahsaurarserex

“He is 9 here and still very active”

15. What a beautiful big boy!

via Dovahsaurarserex

“Taken a few months ago”

16. He loves playing fetch!

via Dovahsaurarserex

17. The more the merrier!

via Dovahsaurarserex

18. Favourite toy alert!

via Dovahsaurarserex

19. Bringing flowers like a gentleman!

via Dovahsaurarserex

20. Literally the cutest!

via Dovahsaurarserex

“Despite his serious workaholic nature, he is still a goof at home”

21. The best Halloween costume award goes to!

via Dovahsaurarserex

“For Halloween, he was a leopard (Opawz dog dye 100% safe and fun)”

22. Do not cross him, I’m telling you!

via Dovahsaurarserex

23. Meet the baby brother!

via Dovahsaurarserex

“In January, he got a baby brother, a Belgian malinois. This is Zeke (11 months old here)”

24. Hiking buddies for life!

via Dovahsaurarserex

25. In case you didn’t notice, they already love each other!

via Dovahsaurarserex

“I was worried a puppy would be too much for him. Thankfully this isn’t the case and they are so close”

26. Gives love like chocolate!

via Dovahsaurarserex

“I just wanted to share him and his story with you guys.

He is an amazing dog. He has also tried to share his food with other animals often. When a man tried mugging me at night, this gentle softy sprung into action and kept the man back and when the man thought my dog was a “soft touch” and proceeded to pull a knife out, my Neo took him down and held him in place long enough for police to come.

What’s more surprising is that his breeds are prone to health problems. I had him embarked and he has no hereditary diseases to ail him (he is a carrier of DM) and his hips and elbows are great! He now has annual blood done because I am paranoid about hidden health issues cropping up. He is now retired and living his best life with me. I appreciate this boy so much and love him with all my heart. I hope you guys like him.”

27. Behold, the eye!

via Dovahsaurarserex

“Close up of his eye because it looks magical”

We really hope this story brought you joy and happiness just as much as it brought us. This is not only an inspiring journey but the way they both look out for each other is just beyond compare, they have absolutely established the fact that they are against the entire world. Their closeness and the way they look out for each other made our hearts swoon. Neo is not only a brave dog that overcame his trauma but also a really commendatory example for all of us as he not only helped his owner while he was going through a hard time but also other animals that could feel the same fear.

I absolutely agree with the saying that goes, ‘Pets can understand humans better’ because that not only shows that they can catch vibes but also shows their huge capacity to understand an individual and other animals as well. That is something most humans can not even do, which is why Neo made ma fall in love with him even more because he can literally see an example for everyone around him.

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