Nothing satisfies your dog obsession more than dog memes.
Dogs are not just animals, they are a feeling. A positive, realistic vibe that you can touch and feel both physically and in your heart, gets you through your day. Dogs are the only reason the human race is still surviving. So using the substitute rule that we never applied after studying it in Calculus, you could say dogs are life for humans. And I am so confident that no one will object to that. Forget all your other life supports and focus on dogs for a second. You don’t really need to adopt a dog or be in its vicinity for its magical powers to work on you. As you may know, whenever you are in the aura of a dog, all the stresses in your life go away and the void is then filled with lots and lots of wholesomeness, adorableness, cuteness, happiness, and good vibes. Now back to the part where you don’t really need to be in the physical bounds of a dog for all this to work, I am not lying.
The internet of things, this unlimited network of networks is what allows us to be in that dog environment from the seats of our home. This virtual bonding with the dogs works absolutely perfectly. I have had a first-hand experience and trust me, it is the best feeling one could feel. You, all of a sudden, are in another reality where these good boys have one duty only, to make humans happy. And that always happens unintentionally. Social media does play a huge role in this.
So here are some of the best doggo memes to exploit all our happy emotions. Trust me, you don’t need to be a dog lover in order for this to work, the dogs will convert you in a fraction of a second.
Scroll down below to enjoy and get your dog obsessions fulfilled.
1. I don’t think we could have had a better good news than this before closing this year, 2021.
Anything related to dogs is a good news.
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2. Mr. Good Manager over here hard at work dealing with demanding costumers.
And you don’t see a single sign of stress on the lad’s face. Amazing!
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3. And what about the only thing that is getting high on romance and lots of red wine? You guessed it.
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4. The guard dog makes mean faces, everyone goes away, uncle stays safe, guard dogs duty gets accomplished.
Such a duty bound dog.
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5. Obedience, innocence, cuteness, wholesomeness, and hilarity all in one picture.
“Why are you laughing, Mommy? I did what you asked me to do.” Awe.
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6. This time will, too, pass and you two shall finally touch hands… I mean paws… whatever.
From the expressions of that doc, this is probably the 1000th time their owner has recreated this meme and it is in no way amusing. Not at all.
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7. Just look at those eyes.tbe doggo probably just got the biggest shock of its life and it is so hilarious!
This is so cute. The kitten is daring and the doggy embraces that.
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8. Those eyes scream “Oh my God, not this dilemma again where it isn’t really a dilemma, there’s just fun and then tons of regrets after.”
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9. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the living representation of a hackerman, but as a dog.
You know it. With that expression, the loophole has been exploited.
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10. The prophecy is true and we all just witnessed it happen before our eyes.
It fits so perfectly as well. The dog looks so majestic.
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11. Oh my god I am literally wheezing right now. That level of happiness when someone makes you that offer is unexplainable.
It’s like you have been waiting all that timr for someone to say that and are ready to strike as soon as you get a hint.
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12. Don’t worry Uncle Tom. You are just gonna have to wing it and win that interview like you’re the boss…which you totally are.
Regardless of how that interview goes, our doggo looks the most professional out of them all.
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13. Ha! Ha! Really funny, Mr. Human. Now get us out, this is kind of creepy.
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Life is all about satisfying your dog needs and these memes are exactly you need to get them all fulfilled. These are so fun and hilarious to go through. How do you guys like it so far?
14. Oh my god the disappointment and the satisfaction that comes when this happens can only be delivered through this expression.
What universe am In?
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15. There can only be one good boy on this planet. This cute floof.
These captions just make them all so fun.
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16. Henlo there, owner. What have you got there to share with me?
Dogs are very cheeky when it comes to getting what they want. They will make the most innocent face possible and get anything they wish for.
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17. I had never been excited about RJs until now, obviously.
only songs eligible to be played are the ones that have the tern “dog” in it. It is what it is.
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18. The reflexes go into ultra instinct mode when you hear those footsteps.
They all look so cute resting in a pack.
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19. If anyone was to take my personal opinion, this pupper does not look overdressed at all. Infact, it looks the star of the show.
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20. This is the magical power only dogs possess and I need to learn it.
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21. Did you really start bathing without me?
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22. You just hope they don’t notice you said that and awkwardly stare at your food trying to eat it as normally as you can.
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23. At this point, I wood too.
Does it bark like a normal dog?
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24. You just have to stay committed and trust the process.
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25. Oh my god it does look like a pillow.
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I really hope you guys enjoyed it. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section down below.