Do you know the secret ingredient to live a happy and joyous life? Dogs! If you own a doggo, then you might know what we are talking about. Watching doggos sitting on the couch, playing with balls in the backyard, or sleeping in awkward positions at unusual places is more than enough to bring a smile to our faces. But what’s more enjoyable is when these pooches act hilariously and make your day filled with humorous joy.
1. If “disappointment” had a face!

Well, we really want to feed Kenny because he’s so cute and he is just BEGGING us to give him some attention in the form of a treat. We also realize that we need to respect Kenny’s guardians’ wishes and refrain from doing what is not allowed.
2. The face you make when someone is lying to you and you know the truth.

3. Their personalities compliment each other so well.

4. What are you sayin’ man?

5. My heart is melting!

6. Todd is a true hero!

7. This is the transmission I need.

8. It’s school time!

9. It’s so freaking true!

10. Little sexy bum!

11. When you finally get to see your buddy after such a long time!

12. Say cheese, please…

13. It all started with a kiss, and now here’s the final result!

14. Peek-a-boo!

15. When you’re on your way to your favorite restaurant!

16. Some people can go beyond their limits to take care of their doggos.

17. These buddies are so LUCKY to have each other.

18. Let’s compare the age of dogs and humans.

19. Have you ever seen a furry caretaker?

20. What a cutie!

21. Story of our life, no?

22. Looks like he is staring directly into the soul!

23. When you sleep for 8 more minutes, and you’re already late, but don’t give a damn!

24. Don’t know what’s funnier, duckface, or that doggo’s expressions.

25. She found her fluffiest pillow!

26. Didn’t realize that a single wig can completely change your appearance.

27. Random act of kindness is enough to make someone happy.

28. When you both are opposite in nature.

29. Why do these pooches sit calmly after making a complete mess as if they did nothing wrong?

30. Leaving your mark wherever you go…

31. It appears like someone had a good time during their first bath!

32. Dogs never fail to surprise us.

33. Wearing a hoodie – reality vs expectation!

34. Humph – life is tough to handle.

35. The most comfortable place to have a good nap.

36. This picture says it all.

37. Are they best friends already?

38. There is no stronger bond.

Which picture caught your attention? Let us know in the comments section below!