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30 Dogs Who Transformed Into Something Else After Seeing These Groomers

Who doesn’t like their dog to look adorable and pristine?

I know if I had a pet, I would want them to be extremely clean. That is partially the reason why I don’t have pets. I just can’t deal with dirtiness at all. However, that is where these pet groomers come in. Pet groomers are usually there to help you take care of your pet and make them presentable.

We all know doggos love to get all messy and that can show in their matted fur. That is probably why these before and after pictures are so surprising. Some of these dogs don’t even look the same breed after. The parlor providing this grooming service is known as Shu and Tree and is located in South Korea.

Source: Facebook ShuAndTree | YouTube Instagram

#1 How does he look fluffier after?


#2 Absolutely adorable.


#3 Did he just turn back into a puppy?


#4 All I see is a white fluffy toy.


#5 Somethings not right with this one.


#6 The change is very drastic to say the least.


#7 How did his fur change color as well?

#8 Is it bad if I say I like the before picture better?


#9 He looks like he’s wearing headphones.

#10 What happened to his ears?


#11 Both pictures look adorable actually.

#12 The expression says it all.


#13 This one looks like a very active puppy.

#14 I can’t tell if he’s disappointed.


Everyone likes different things. And even though this is not my preference,it’s not my decision either. While it is true most of the after pictures eerily look the same, perhaps some people just want their doggo to look like a toy.

#15 The head tilt is truly adorable.

#16 Maybe it’s Maybelline.


#17 I see that leg warmers are coming back.

#18 That long neck was hiding under all that fur.


#19 A  floof in training I see.

#20 I do love teacup Pomeranians.


#21 Why is everyone’s head so round in the after pictures?

#22 The before picture was adorable as well.


#23 No, Just no.

#24 I am starting to think everyone wants their pet to look like a toy.


#25 And my ‘suspicion’ is confirmed.

#26 The second appointment I presume?


You can’t blame the parlor either since they are just doing their job. If someone wants their dog to not look like the breed they are, what are Shu and Tree supposed to do?

#27 That blurred background makes it look photoshopped.

#28 He is very happy after though.


#29 Looks the same to me.

#30 No ears just two ponytails.


#31 At least he is a lot cleaner now.

What do you think of these grooming services? Do you think they took it a bit too far? Comment down below and let us know.


What do you think?