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20 Adorable Service Dogs Who Can Easily Win “Employee Of The Year” Award

Besides being cute, service dogs are pretty professional.

Dogs are good at being cute and adorable but there are other roles they are good at. Even they can leave you behind when it comes to jobs. Approximately half a million dogs are working in the United States. It always makes us happy to see doggos who are professional and want to excel in their careers. No matter how crazy do they get at home but when it comes to their job, they are pretty serious. Our furry friends are no less than anyone. Today, we have 20 working doggos who are so good at their jobs that they can easily win the “employee of the year” award. Scroll down and enjoy!

1. Meet Zuma, the newest member of Regis DPT.


© nsunakawa13 / instagram

2. Service dog on duty with goggles on.


© orchid_breeder / reddit

3. Meet Milton, he is a firefighter and he is excellent at his job.


© mac_is_crack / reddit

4. “My service dog’s senior pictures”


© pignoodle / imgur

5. Meet Chester, the cutest weather reporter in town.


© chestertheweatherdog/ instagram

6. Meet Jessica, a Warrior Canine.


© exploreorg / reddit

7. “Give mama a kiss before you go!”

© aboutdogsandpets

Have a good day, my boi!

8. Mama, the job is tiring.


© Guaro21 / imgur

I know, you can do it, my son.

9. He is studying to become a service dog.

© unknown / imgur

From guide dogs and service dogs to therapy dogs and firefighters, we have seen some of the hardworking doggos who are not only adorable but professional. They know how to do their job right and we don’t think any client would have any complaints against them. Some people need to learn professionalism from our furry friends. Scroll down because we have more working doggos.

10. Meet Frida. She is a life-saver. She saved thousands of lives in Mexico’s devastating earthquake.


© kingdido / reddit

11. Meet Maximus, the therapy dog.

© Slowchildrenatplay / reddit

Does he maximize happiness?

12. These babies are training hard to become service dogs.


© unknown / reddit

13. His first day at diving.

© Guaro21 / imgur

14. A therapy dog trying to reduce kids’ stress during the exam.


© PrinceRegentII / reddit

15. Although he is a guide dog but he needs a teddy to sleep with.

© unknown / reddit

16. Meet Chief, a high school anxiety consultant to make students feel better.


© JustinN301 / reddit

17. She is reading stories to therapy dogs. Just look at these cuties.

© R2C3PO / imgur

18. This good boy is training to be a guide dog.


© GuideDogs

19. “Three generations of service dogs”

© Sierrahasnolife / reddit

20. This new guy is so professional:


© H_G_Bells / reddit

We are so impressed to see these service dogs and we always appreciate hard work. Keep up the good work, guys. Have you ever seen a service dog? What do you think which doggo deserves the employee of the year award.


What do you think?