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Cat Medley: A Collection Of Cat Posts To Make Your Day Better

Do cats even need an intro? Their name speaks for them completely. We all know how the world feels about cats. We are all bowing to the supremacy of these little furry creatures. This is a call to all cat lovers, whether you have a pet cat or not, to leave everything they are doing to pay attention to these delightful 20 pictures of these charming creatures.

Cats should be celebrated every day for their mighty existence and no day in their presence should be taken for granted. We have gathered beautiful pictures of these little munchkins we call cats to brighten up your boring day.

Keep scrolling to dive into feline madness!

1. Little acts of kindness make all the difference!

Via u/HydeLA

“Hurricane Ida is coming straight for me tomorrow night, so I took home the stray cat that hangs outside the Rehab I work at so it’ll have shelter and protection from the Disaster. Meat Soup!”

2. Hey, I know a spot where we can sleep and get free food.

Via u/Gaib_Itch

“My friend’s grandad feeds the local strays, this is what he woke up to today”

3. Only worthy candidate!

Via u/AverySkyles

4. This baby is called Loki!

Via u/larolino

5. It takes time to break down the walls of a cat!

Via u/maceyroseboyieess

“How do I get closer to him?? He still won’t let me pet him or come near him.”

6. Look how much Odin has grown!

Via u/CyzicWaVe

“Wanted to make an appreciation post for my boy Odin. He had a tough first year but had his first birthday a few weeks ago.”

7. How can no one be interested in adopting this tiny creature? It has the sweetest little face!

Via u/ChefBM

“I’m giving this beautiful angel, but nobody wants it…why?”

8. The odd one out

Via u/abzgyte

“This is Jones…he’s a strange boy”

9. Detective in town! He is just observing the people.

Via  u/zennaster

“My kitten is jacked”

10. He knows he got caught and there is no way out. His crime has been laid in front of him.

Via  u/Torridger

“Bentley likes to hide his toy mice under one specific sofa. Here he is with the 13 I pulled out today.”

11. We love seeing cats transforming into their healthier selves!

Via u/TheKnittyWit

“My foster boy when I first got him in June (L) vs. now (R). So happy with his progress!”

12. Her golden fur is unmatched! No amount of golden hour can beat this.

Via u/Lopsided_Clock

“Rooster Cogburn!”

13. A little kitten brings gifts for her human before sleeping. Such a nice gesture!

Via u/BrittanyDahlArt

“My cat likes to meow and brings me a present before bed every night as a way to say she loves me and tonight she decided to bring me her favorite toy, a stuffed hedgehog”

14. Most unique of the lot!

Via  u/nunwithajuicycock

15. He turned 21 and he is finally legal to drink! He always envied his parents drinking whenever the hell they wanted.

Via  u/Hawks47

“This handsome boy is turning 21 in September. Finally old enough to go to the pub!”

16. Munchkin cozy inside a warm bag!

Via  u/hey_foxys

“This is how we carry cats in Russia”

17. I like sleeping next to my mama!


18. Can you tell she is 14 years old? Freaking 14? She looks barely 1 year old.

Via u/epandza

“Today is Misia’s 14th birthday and in my opinion, she still looks like a kitten”

19. Two FBI Agents!

Via u/sleeplesscatss

“Been sick in bed all day today and my girls haven’t left my side”

20. A random kitten shows up on your doorstep. What would you do?

Via  u/_h_m_n_n_i_

“I was sleeping and heard meowing so I opened the door of my apartment and look who I found”

I cannot get enough of these babies. It would be fair to say that having a cat in your house makes a huge difference to your life. These adorable furry little babies are nothing less than a blessing to us! Don’t believe us? Why don’t you ask a cat parent and they will let you know! Last but not the least, feel free to use the comments section below.


What do you think?