Cats are just perfect. They’re talented, smart and liquid. Plus, they have like 9 lives. One minute you think your catto is about to pass and the next minute they are back from the dead meowing at you for more food. Living with a cat is like you’re on a roller coaster ride. It’s never smooth, it has its ups and downs. Cats are a complicated open book. Pretty sure if they were a subject, they would be algebra. Where there’s always something missing and it has to be solved.
It so happens that our precious four-legged furry feline leaves unexpectedly, and we lose our mind. One thing about cats is that they are footloose. No one can control them as they do whatever they feel like. Ain’t nobody can boss a cat around, they themselves are the boss. They might nap every 10 minutes for like 20 minutes, but that’s only to stay sharp and alert. Naping is a way of recharging themselves so that they can get back into the game stronger than before.
Cat owners have a lot of tales to tell about their cats and nothing is better than sharing them over the internet. We have come across a lot of posts about missing cats making their way back home, but this one just cracked us up! We found a hysterical conversation between a dad and his kids about their family cat who they thought died, but it came back. Scroll down to read What happened exactly.
Mom: “No cat shall enter our home or else there would be consequences.” *One week later* Mom: “Hey, kitty kitty kitty kitty.”

“Hooman, I am not happy! I feel betrayed.”

Cats have 9 lives they say. Now we believe that it’s true. They do have 9 lives. Cats are damn smart. Don’t fall for their chubby paws and a naive face. They will outsmart you one day, and you wouldn’t even realize it. Maybe that is the reason why cats think we are nothing more than a peasant. It is known to all that cats love to walk around the block and take note of whatever’s happening in their neighbourhood. They are naturally very alert. Therefore, they take no risks. It is important for them to be prepared for everything. That’s why they patrol their neighbourhood. There is a possibility that the cat just went out on her usual business and its owners thought she was dead. Unfortunately, they found a lookalike and buried her.
*Happy tears.*

Too late, the whole world knows about it now.

This had us roll on the floor laughing! A rabbit can not be mistaken for a cat, even if it is super fluffy. They are quite different from each other. Bunnies have rather long and pointy ears, one of their prominent features. Cats have a tail that bunnies don’t. Actually they do have tails but not as long as a cat’s tail. It is rare to mistake a rabbit for a cat, but if someone does, they must have a pretty good reason why. What do you guys think? Do cats look similar to rabbits? Let us know in the comments below.