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20 Fantastic and Funny Comics by the Very old Artist “Mark Parisi”

Today we’re going to speak about a performer who creates adorable comics to perk up your day. “Mark Parisi” is the author’s name. He is 59 years old and initially from New England. He is the creator of the webcomics series “Off the mark,” to which he has uploaded over 10,000 comics. Off of the Mark has been authored since 1987, starting in weekly papers.

The artist’s simplification and efficiency are what start making him so attractive. Mark manages to convey his sharp sense of humor in just a few panels. And he does it with a variety of themes, elements, situations, and perspectives, demonstrating his versatility. That is why he currently has a family of 100k followers on his Instagram account.

His comics are focused on great humor and funny stories based on witty observations. In such dark times, so when something can happen to anyone, comics bring people joy and a big grin. Let’s take a look at a few of his fabled creations that will undoubtedly cheer up your day. So what are you waiting for folks? Keep on scrolling down below and we are sure you are going to love it!

1. I don’t care A+ nice work


2. Whoa stop mate, it’s not into big butts


3. You are the one who’s ignoring her mate


4. I really have to go


5. Basically they are soft shell


6. That’s how your mind works


7. Never open a bag of chips on beach

8. No worries, you’ll stay up for eternity


9. Can you tell which one is it?

10. That’s the coolest haircut I have ever seen


11. We guess not

12. This is hilarious, look at their face expression


13. Caption this

Are you tired of scrolling yet? We know you are not and how can you be these comics are too hilarious to skip and we are sure that you must be loving this compilation. Keep on scrolling down below we have collected couple of more of these just for you

14. What is happening here


15. Dogs are emotion detector

16. Straw House


17. Don’t please

18. That’s how you exit from a haunted house


19. Basic Instinct



21. Presenting you the conscience of a cat

22. This is hilarious and accurate at the same time


23. Bring it back right now

24. She exactly this did on purpose


25. Skip this ad right now


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