No height is perfect. Both short height or tall height comes with its drawbacks.
If you are short, you would wish for tall height and if you are tall, you would wish to be short. Well, we tell you, no height is perfect. Short people have their own problems and tall people have their problems due to their height. Sarah Pocock, a visual artist created illustrations based on short and tall girls’ problems and people can relate with her creations. Based on real-life issues, her artwork seems to be so true. Her artwork reflects all those problems we have been through being a short/tall girl. So, scroll down and check her funny illustrations that we are sure you will relate to.
Also, follow Sarah on Instagram, Tumblr and Twitter to check more of her creative yet hilarious comics.
1. The chair is big, I am not short.
2. Put the mirror a little down.
3. Seatbelts not treating the short girls right.
4. Ah I want to wear heels.
5. We need a big mirror.
6. Girl, it’s fine to be taller than men.
7. Give me some place to see.
If you are a short girl and you are in a crowd, you would struggle to make space for yourself. Being a short girl, the bathroom mirror wouldn’t let you see your full face and being a tall girl, you wouldn’t see your face since the mirror would feel so low. A tall girl would want to wear heels but she can’t because she is already too tall and ends up wearing flats. If a tall girl is in a crowd, she would get conscious if she looks taller than men. Well, whether you are tall or short, you look absolutely perfect. Nothing to get conscious about.
8. Why can’t I reach
9. Hate when people do this.
10. When your partner is tall but you are short.
11. Why can’t I find sweaters of my size?
12. Just a tall girl taking bath!
13. Why don’t they make big chairs?
The chair is too big for a short girl but the same chair would feel small for a taller girl. Well, the struggle is real. We can relate to all these illustrations, what about you? Which one of the above situations has happened to you? Share your experience with us in the comments below!