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17 Absolutely Terrible Parents Who Do Not Deserve To Have Kids

Terrible Parents Who Do Not Deserve To Have Kids

Bringing a child into this world is an immense responsibility that requires love, care, and dedication.

Some individuals lack the necessary qualities and values to be good parents. Sadly, there are individuals who, despite their lack of compassion, empathy, or basic parental instincts, find themselves in the role of caregivers. This post delves into the dark reality of absolutely terrible people who, without a doubt, should have never had children. Their actions and behaviors reflect a fundamental failure to meet the basic needs and emotional well-being of their offspring. Children deserve better than to be subjected to the harmful influence of parents who do not deserve the privilege of raising them. Scroll down.

1. “I synced my calendar with my mum and forgot I have my birth control implant replacement date marked 3 years from now. She saw it and texted me this while I was at work. I’m 20.”



2. “Because his kid didn’t do HOMEWORK?”



3. She called cops on her own daughter:



4. “Never thought my mom was that insane but I guess Jesus is anti-metal straw. Sorry if it doesn’t seem serious, I can’t take anything seriously”



5. This mom is giving impossible deadlines:



While it is understandable for a parent to assign household chores to instill responsibility in their children, it is equally important to consider the realities of time constraints. In this scenario, it would be more reasonable for the mom to communicate her expectations in a manner that allows for a reasonable time frame, ensuring that both the child’s needs and the completion of chores are appropriately balanced.

6. This mom sent her kid to school despite being positive for COVID:



7. This father is tracing his kid while he was on a date:


8. He is 27 years old but his mom would even dig trash to harass him:



Parenthood should be a sacred commitment to the well-being and happiness of a child. Unfortunately, there are individuals who, through their actions and behaviors, prove to be absolutely rotten people and, quite frankly, should have never become parents. Neglectful, abusive, narcissistic, irresponsible, and absentee parents all contribute to an environment that hinders a child’s growth, development, and potential for a fulfilling life.

The presence of toxic and abusive parents in our society is a grave concern that cannot be ignored. These individuals, who exhibit patterns of cruelty, neglect, and manipulation, clearly demonstrate a complete disregard for the well-being of their children. Their actions inflict immeasurable harm, leaving deep emotional and psychological scars that can last a lifetime. It is clear that such individuals are unfit to be parents, as they fail to provide the love, care, and guidance that every child deserves.

9.  “(In university) Parents track my location and knows I didn’t go to class (because I had already turned in the project we were working on and didn’t need to work in studio)”


10. “My moms response when I came out to her. Haven’t talked to them for two weeks now.”



11. This insane mother thinks that she knows more than the doctors:


12. “The mother steals and sells her daughter’s pet snake while her daughter was out of town.”



13. Boyfriend’s mom dumped her because she didn’t want her grandchildren to be ginger:


14. “My parents did not like me going out to get a vaccine. Came back to this.”



15. “I was taking a test…”


16. “I’m on a school trip… On my way to the school.”



17. “I’m 25, I have schizophrenia, and have zero support from my mom.”


It is crucial for society to recognize and address these issues, providing support systems and resources for families in need. Every child deserves a loving, nurturing, and safe environment, and it is our collective responsibility to ensure that these rotten individuals do not continue to perpetuate the cycle of neglect and abuse. Share your opinion in the comment section below.

The cat tax:



“A few months ago my family told me it was animal abuse to move abroad with my cat (15hours flight). Reddit told me to get my shit together and take her with me. Well, here’s Pistachio, happily watching over her new city and proving all my family wrong !”


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