Always read the signs.
Especially when they are posted on the driveway where you aren’t supposed to be parking your car. However, I have learned that people are just plain dumb. Or they think they can get away with everything just because they have someone high up in the system.
While sadly that does work most of the time, Sometimes you can get good old revenge. At least that is what this house owner did. When some rowdy partygoers decided to block his driveway with 7 cars. He thought this would be the best time to lock the gates and go on a much-deserved vacation.
I bet he had the best time of his life. So take a look below at the full story.
I have to say, this question is everything.

I mean that’s what you do in this situation right?

I can’t say I blame the guy.

I bet you being so calm made them even more pissed at you.

While this is hilarious In wouldn’t recommend doing this.

Unless you have read up on these laws in detail.

Now, In this situation, most people would get scared and do what the guy with the gun is saying. After all, we may not like to talk about it but even Police have hurt innocent people many times.
However, this guy did not budge and that actually paid off in the end. So good on him for standing his ground!
At least the guys are getting what they deserve

The sheriff probably wanted to handle this matter quietly.

But at the end of the day, it was not his choice and karma is a b*tch

When this story spreads around the neighborhood, nobody will ever even think of messing with this guy. Not that he was ever in the wrong. He acted within his jurisdiction and justice prevailed.
Don’t forget to comment down below and let us know what you think of this story? Would you ever do something like this?
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