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Japanese Illustrator Turns Cats Into Anime Girls And Results Are Amazing

Have you ever wondered how would your cat look like if it was a person? Find out this mad idea turning into reality in this thread!

If you are a cat lover as well as anime fan, you are in for a treat! This Japanese illustrator JHK is the person to thank for this equally weird and wonderful idea. He does some serious creative work and is quite well-known for his anime related art work. His illustrations recreating cats into anime girls have gone viral on internet and people are actually liking the idea.

JHK’s illustrations are based on the idea of “Cat Girl” which are quite famous in Japanese TV anime shows and manga. These are girls having cat-like or feline features such as cat ears or cat tail. In Japanese we call a cat girl “Nekomimi” Weird, right? Well, neko means ‘cat’ and mimi means ‘ears’

Here are some of the most-talked-about recreations. Enjoy!

#1 Close enough!



#2 Those eyes!


There is a huge audience of anime series and shows, and the fanbase includes millions around the globe. Many people grew up watching amazing anime series such as Dragon Ball, Attack on Titan, Naruto, death note etcetera. In fact, most of them did not stop and still watch these shows. Children and adults all enjoy anime and this genre has been the inspiration for many artists. Artists draw, illustrate and make webcomic series based on anime and its amazing characters. These artists’ work is solely anime based, and this way they target a larger audience. JHK’s illustrations are one example. His work is featuring famous cat-girl that appears in anime, and is a famous character. These illustrations are neat, creative and a bit risque too.

#3 I find no difference, do you?


The recreations are unique and different from the conventional recreations of movie stars or fictional characters. The idea is unexpected to many people and the results are amazing too. Artist is careful of all the minute details and you can see the cat right through the anime girl he recreates it into. Resemblance is amazing and fun to watch. Many people also started recreating their cats to the anime girls after being inspired by the viral trend. Imagine getting up in the morning only to find out that your cat has become a pretty and stylish girl with cat ears and paws? Don’t know about you, but i would definitely faint!

#4 This is amazing!



#5 Will your cat let you squish its cheeks?



#6 Wild catto alert!






Did you like this artist’s work? If yes, which illustration did you enjoy the most? Do you also want your cat to become a life size cat girl? Share your answers with us as we always love to read them.


What do you think?