Our perceptions of our favorite characters in Disney movies are often characterized by their most prominent features. Take Mickey Mouse, for example, and try to imagine him without his infamous round ears, it seems like an almost unimaginable occurrence. These characters are so often portrayed in their usual attire and similar features even as time passes and they grow older and matured. We’re so used to seeing these characters in these identical illustrations that most of us have never even considered the possibility of them changing their physical appearance even in the slightest. In this article we have gathered a collection of pictures depicting what your favorite Disney characters would look like if they’re looks were altered. These characters have been drawn in ways that change their most distinguishable features and make them look almost unrecognizable in their new forms.
Check out these Disney characters without their unique features by scrolling down!
1. Ursula loses her sea witch look without her makeup.
2. What a disturbing sight to look at.
3. Tarzan looks absolutely handsome in both hairstyles.
4. A chubby face makes Hercules look adorable.
5. Quasimodo if he was not a hunch back!
6. Rapunzel with modern hair is like George Clooney being born in the 20s.
7. Scar without his scar is just a lion
8. We wonder what Pinocchio’s story would be if his nose was a normal nose!
9. Is Captain Hook even Captain Hook without his hook?
10. The change in turban make such a huge difference.
As Disney has often demonstrated, its memorable characters are a key component of their films’ popularity. When it comes to non-human characters, like animals or legendary creatures, it’s a remarkable achievement.
It’s true that a single detail may completely transform someone’s appearance. It was fun to envision what these Disney celebrities might look like if they were to lose their most identifiable features. And we are in complete awe with the results.
Scroll down for more images!
11. Elsa almost doesn’t look like herself without her soft features.
12. This difference in height brings such a huge change in her character.
13. No one could have ever imagined Buzz Lighter without his astronaut suit.
14. The whole reason for the fame of this film was the fact that Mike had one eye.
15. Honestly, Tinker Bell looks beautiful in both loose and tied hair.
16. The difference hair color makes on a person is astounding.
17. The look of her whole villainous character was dependent on the horns and without it she looks just like a regular character.
18. Mulan doesn’t look like Mulan without her beautiful Asian eyes.
19. The amount of impact eyebrows have on a persons facial expressions is huge.
20. Who would’ve thought that fins can make such a huge difference.
What do you think of the new look of these characters? Do you prefer them more in their older or modern versions? Let us know in the comments section below!
Don’t forget to share these with your family and friends! We are certain they will love these as much as you did.