
20 Pictures Of Christmas Cat Photoshopped Hilariously

Christmas is coming closer.

It’s only a few days away now. However, people have been getting in the spirit for a few months, even before Halloween. And humans are the only ones who get into the Christmas spirit, our pets can be steps ahead of us a lot of times. For example, take this cat for example who might be thinking of something incredibly evil while looking over a Christmas scene but at least he appreciates it.

I mean most cats would be happy destroying everything they land their paws on. And that includes the gingerbread home that you spent days working on. Probably why this Reddit user issued this photoshop battle. ANd people delivered with their own hilarious and weird iterations of Christmas cat or should we call him evil cat?

You can judge for yourself by scrolling below and taking a look.

Source: Reddit

This is the original untouched picture and I don’t think it needs much photoshop.


#1 This cats might be better than the fever dream we got in theaters. Doom guy makes everything better after all.


I don’t know why I imagine this cat having Christopher Lee’s voice Lord of the Rings-style “Tell me… What words of comfort did you give the half-ling before you sent him to his doom.”Steverogersexp

#2 Humans can never win against our cat overlords.


Hail the Meowúr. –WiildCard

#3 ‘I’ve come to bargain once again purrmamu.’


#4 Is that a moon or a cat coming to destroy us?


#5 I don’t he would like to cut a piece from the neck of this particular titan.


What really sells this for me is the attention to detail in the title — especially since you changed 巨人 to ネコ. –GoatTote

#6 Bow down to the adorable cat.

#7 What would we be without LOTR references?


#8 ‘My precious.’ The ring should have been replaced by kibble.

#9 The brother we never knew about.


#10 I don’t think Godzilla can defeat the almighty catzilla.

[I AM KITTY…. the Great and Powerful! Who are you? WHO – ARE – YOU?!] –MonkeyPost

#11 He was just looking for some wet food. Nothing to be scared of.


#12 I can see too many intestines hanging out.

#13 The fire never bothered him anyway.


#14 In the memory of our fallen feline soldiers.

#15 Isn’t every cat possessed? This film is doing nothing new.


#16 They already have 9 lives and now we are giving them cyber parts?

#17 You can try to protect cat food but he will end you to get to his treats.


#18 This is what we call a natural disaster. It was bound to happen.

#19 These tricks only work on human ghosts.


#20 Are we getting a samurai Santa? I would watch it.

If you could, what scenario would you photoshop this cat in? Comment down below and let us know.


What do you think?