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Conservative Woman Doesn’t Get Out Of The Room When She Sees A Wedding Photo Of Her Husband’s Friend

Everyone has their own beliefs.

Some people are fine with being open, while others would rather remain to themselves. And as long as your views do not harm others, you are free to think as you like. This includes conservatives as well. I understand that some people are shy and are not used to showing open affection, but you can’t prohibit others from expressing themselves. There are many conservative countries in the world, and even people from those countries would agree that this woman is exaggerating a little.

Because she and her husband were having financial difficulties, they decided to move in with his friend. His friend was gracious enough to allow them to do so and did his best to make the stay as comfortable as possible. However, the wife’s strange behaviour has generated some problems. But everything was OK until she saw a photo of the guy and his wife kissing. I understand that some people may feel offended, but that is his home, and you can’t really say anything.

Apparently, the wife missed the memo and continued to be a major source of contention. As you can expect, the spouse is attempting to smooth things over, but it isn’t working well. You can read the entire story by scrolling down below.

Source: Reddit

Before the story has even properly started, we can tell his wife has caused a lot of issues.


So when things didn’t work out with his mother, he moved to a friend’s house.


There were some issues in this house as well but things were going relatively well.


Until she saw a perfectly normal wedding picture and caused a commotion.


Her husband tried to get his friend to see things his way but it didn’t work out.


I have no idea where the woman is coming from. I don’t see what the big deal is about what appears to be a perfectly typical wedding photograph. And if she is uncomfortable with any form of open affection, she should live in a cave because that is normal. It’s acceptable not to exhibit your affection in public, but you can’t forbid someone else from doing so. It’s not like her husband’s friend was in any kind of scandalous situation, so this seems odd to me.

As you can probably guess, people were not on his side either.


I have to admit that the woman is acting a bit strangely.

If this was her home, she could do whatever she wanted but it isn’t.


So she needs to suck it up and move on.

People also shared their own stories.


And it does seem like some people are like that but it sounds weird to me.

I can only hope that the husband tries to reach out to his wife.


Otherwise, he will lose a dear friend over this.

And his wife isn’t helping the matter either by locking herself in the room.


I really can’t get my head around this at all.

If she doesn’t like the picture, she should simply not look at it.


And she has to remind herself that it isn’t her home.

And that the guy is doing a huge favour for them.


What is with the open-door thing anyway? It is his home.

Some people had a few questions as well which sadly weren’t answered.


We all know what time it is. It is cat tax time!


Do you think if those two kitties fuse together, they will turn into her mother? Do you think that will be their next evolution because I certainly hope so?

What are your thoughts on the matter? Do you think the woman is overreacting and should learn to let things go because she isn’t in her own home? Or do you believe it is insignificant and that the friend may possibly move the photo out of the way? What would you do in this circumstance? Please let us know in the comments section below. Don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can add their thoughts as well.


What do you think?