Who knew kids could be so scary.
We all are aware of the fact that kids say random nonsensical and weird things all the time because they are children, they do not understand most of the basic things in the world so they make up things that they learn from the elders, friends or television and later jumble all the gathered information and come up with incomprehension stuff. It could also be something creepy or terrifying, they can see some real horrifying things that would make you wonder if it is really your child saying all of these things or if they are possessed by something evil. We all have heard uncountable amount of scary stories in our lives and most of them all tell us that children have more chances of attracting demons and getting possessed by them. It makes more sense why most children talk to themselves or say terrifying things that they probably have no idea about but these scary words roll out of their tongue like they have been living for ages and that the have old souls. Old and dark souls.
It all can be incorrect, it is just an assumption made by people who connect dots and believe in these kind of stuff, others might be rolling their eyes. It is understandable to not take this stuff seriously because who would believe that an innocent child can do or say something vicious. It is difficult for me to believe it too, it is indeed a very complicated situation but after reading all of these creepy stories submitted by parents of their strange kids, I do believe this could be true. That is why today we have gathered proof to show you that innocent children can be very terrifying sometimes too. Here are real scary stories experienced and explained by real parents when they heard their children say something evil and notice something strange about them. Keep on scrolling down and read those creepy stories yourself…
1. Uh, that was abrupt…
2. That is extremely shocking to hear from your three year old son out of nowhere.
3. That does not sound right at all. I am curious to know, what made him say that?
4. I would be scared of my own child if they said that to me. The ‘chop, chop, chop’ is just too much, let alone the hand gestures.
5. Children say the weirdest and senseless things all the time but this type of statement is just not okay!
6. They say you should never look back, no matter what…
7. Maybe, she did not make that up and it is actually true.
8. I would disown.
9. That is so strange and weird. These people really have some messed up things going on with their kids.
10. Oh, God…You better sleep with one eye open from now on.
11. This is giving me chills.
12. Oh, the kid is spilling secrets.
I told you guys, did not I? These are really, really creepy! I have lost the count on how many times I had chills running down my spine and goosebumps all over my body. I am a bit scared to sleep on my own tonight after reading that story of the girl claiming that an unknown lady keeps an eye on her all the time in her room and sleeps on her ceiling. I am just speechless at this point, I do not care if anyone makes fun of me but truth be told, I am scared and I will be definitely sleeping in my mother’s bed with her tonight. Can you imagine a child saying these extremely horrific and absolutely creepy things? Can you imagine your child saying something so dark and strange? That ‘goodbye, not goodnight’ kid, that cricket bat story and rabbit with no hair or eyes, that is just extremely scary. Who taught these kids that? What are they watching on the TV or the internet? Is it because they have seen something bad happen to someone. Is it okay? Or are they really possesed. I would not know how to handle such situations or what to say and do with my children. These stories do not sound fake at all and I just can not believe there are so many people, I mean real humans, who got to experience such an inhumane situation with their innocent babies. It would have possibly changed their whole outlook on their child. Can you imagine losing your trust on your own child? But what must one do when their child creeps up on them when they are asleep with an evil grin on their child’s face and a carving knife in their hand behind their back. I know you guys are even more curious to read more of these stories so we would not keep you waiting, scroll down…
13. Your child has superpowers. That was my attempt to make it sound less scary.
14. He said what?!
15. Well, kids make up weird things sometimes. Nothing to worry about…hopefully.
16. Joker reincarnated.
17. I would not let my children sleep alone in separate rooms because I have heard stories similar to this many times.
18. That was so savage of her, kind of funny. You have to admit it.
19. Well, this happens when you let your child watch TV without supervision.
20. This is the most creepy and scary story so far.
21. The word eyes and smell does not go along in one sentence, ever.
22. That is just an older sibling taking out anger because they are not the only favorite kid anymore.
23. That was so mean, what did poor daddy do?
24. Um, okay…That is a relief. I just know his mother’s reaction would be too hilarious.
You guys, I am out of words to explain to you all how much creeped out I am by all of these insanely crazy and scary stories. How am I suppose to believe that all of these scary stuff is said by a child. An innocent child who does not even know how to eat properly or walk carefully. I am really shook to my core and I pray no parent or child goes through this fearful phase in their lives. I really feel even more shock and scared because these are real stories, it would be a bit easier to forget about if these were just made up stories by some writers. Unfortunately, they are not and they are very much real. Do you believe in this stuff? What are your opinions on this? If you have experienced something vicious and evil like this with your child, tell us your story in the comments down below…