Kittens grow up so fast but we always treat them like babies.
Good morning guys! We hope you guys are having a good weekend and we decide to make it even better by bringing a new collection of cats. Where are all the cat lovers? Gather here because you are about to get into the cuteness galore. We are obsessed with cats and everything that is about cats gets our attention. We cannot imagine our lives without fluffy and cuddly cattos that make our lives better and brighter each day. Today, we have gathered some of the cutest transformations of kitties who were cute and tiny when they were little and now they have grown up. No matter how old do our cats get, they would always be babies for us. So, without any further ado, let’s get the fun begin. Scroll down and have fun!
1. He was cute and tiny. Look at him now, a young grown up man.
The “W” on his forehead is still there. I so want to give him a kiss on his head.
2. Although he is grown up now but would not leave his monkey friend.
He was confused then, he is confused now.
3. Ahh, look at this majestic girl right here.
Who knew she would grow up to be a queen.
4. When you and your cat grow together.
We have just seen a beautiful transformation right here.
5. Who knew this tiny ball of fur would turn out to be a long catto?
Everything changed about her but her sitting pose remained the same. Cats never leave their habits. No matter how old do they get, they would do what they have always liked. They would sit in bags, sit on your shoulder, make a confused face and would wait for you to come home as she always used to do. It is hard to notice how much your cat has grown up when you see her every day but you can notice the difference only if you keep her pictures side by side. Scroll down for more kitty transformations.
6. She was so tiny that she could easily fit in bags and could be carried around.
Now that she is all grown up, she would still sit in bags but we can see her head poppy out, LOL. We can tell how obsessed she is with bags.
7. When two twin kittens get to grow together in the same house:
How lucky are these two! We will always stay together.
8. When your kitten is tiny and can easily fit in your hoodie:
Now that little brat has grown up to be so big that she can’t fit in your hoodies. How fluffy and furry she is!
9. Who knew this tiny shoulder cat would one day grow up to look so beautiful and so confident?
Her fluffy coat looks incredible.
10. Meet this one-eyed little girl. What a beautiful transformation:
We hope you enjoyed watching these kitties’ transformation. If you own a cat, share your kitty’s transformation in the comments section down below!