Be prepared to have your heart stolen by these adorable babies.
We see a lot of dogs in the spotlight; Huskies, German Shepherds, Labradors, and many others, but we rarely see Dachshunds as the centre of attention. Why is that so? They deserve just as much love and attention as other dogs! These short-legged and long-bodied doxies are also known as weiner dogs, badger dogs, and sausage dogs. They are super playful and clever, so training them and teaching them new tricks will surely be a lot of fun. They are very devoted, so if you are trying to get them to do something, they won’t give up until they do it. They are loyal to their owners and get attached to them very easily. They make for amazing family dogs as they can also take the role of a watchdog!
So, to put these doxies in the spotlight today, we have compiled a list of 14 Dachshunds that will make you realise they are the best dogs ever:
1. These good boys are not that hard to train.
2. Is it a doggo or a bunny?
3. Cute little sausage baby.
4. His bowl is empty. Feed him this instance!
5. They can be crazy too, but that’s why we love them!
6. Never out of style.
7. It’s his birthday! Party time!
I am sure after seeing all of these posts, your hearts have melted. Even I just want to go and get a dachshund immediately. How can anyone say no to these little cuties? They surely know how to brighten up someone’s day. Scroll down below to see the rest of the doggos:
8. How can someone look so cute while they sleep?
9. Linguine the weenie is daydreaming.
10. Such a boop-able nose.
11. Tiny doggo isn’t familiar with his own reflection.
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12. Inter-specie friends are the best!
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13. Hopping like a bunny in the snow.
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14. New addition to the family!
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What did you think about these weiner dogs? Do you have one at home? Share their stories with us in the comments below!