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Dad Pranks Mom By Sending Her Edited Pictures Of Babies When She Asks About Them

Parenting gets dialed up a notch when Dads are involved!

Parenting is definitely not an easy job, the complexity associated with it often makes you wanna just run away to somewhere no human life exists. Some equate parents to artists and parents to the art. It’s like a hole as specialization. Like a freshly graduated nose-diving into a job that requires 15 years of experience. And usually, the toughness is more on the mothers than it is on the daddies! See, Dads go to work, what happens back at the residence does not concern them. Things can become real hell at times.

Now given what I have told, one would assume that it is hell for Dads as well, the whole parenting thing where you have to look after the toddler and make sure they are safe and well-nourished. Nope! When the throne gets passed to a Dad, everything changes. Their style is completely different from what a mother’s style would be. Let’s just say Dads love stylizing everything and putting a little personal twist on them.

This one Dad, Kenny Deuss, is a father of 2 adorable babies, Aster and Alix. Kenny is an amazing photo editor and you will see why that skill comes into play. Every Tuesday his girlfriend, who is the mother of the two babies, goes to work, and every week for that one day Kenny has to look after the kids. His girlfriend often used to text to enquire how the kids are doing and everything and this sneaky and creative boyfriend decided to make use of it. Every time his girlfriend would text asking about the babies, he would send her edited images of himself and the toddlers and those edits would show them being in some crazy scenarios. And this adventurous Dad’s work went quite viral over the internet. He has got about 381,000 followers on his Instagram account as we seek. You can bet a lot of people had a very good laugh!

Let’s join the gang! Time for us to enjoy Kenny’s amazing prank on the Mum who only wanted to know what the kids are doing. Well, let’s see for ourselves what these little cuties are up to.

Scroll down below to have a nice laugh!
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1. “We spend two days at the Belgian coastline. Apparently there are a couple of aggressive seagulls there.”


The situation is absolutely under control!

I am already laughing so much and it’s just the first one. This is going to be really fun!

Image source: onadventurewithdad

2. “Alix has decided to collect money to buy some new toys. Let’s hope her new business will be a success.”


Surely Alix would’ve carried some creativity genes from Daddy! Looks like someone is about to steal the title of “youngest billionaire!”

Image source: onadventurewithdad

3. “Hey made sure the hallway to the expo is ready for another weekend. If only dad would have seen the sign…”


I am just gonna put it out there, you are evil if you laugh at this.

Image source: onadventurewithdad

4. You don’t need much to enjoy the view. Dad is always on the lookout for the all the dangers in the streets.”


Image source: onadventurewithdad

5. “Today we went for a short bicycle ride. Of course dad had to do some tricks on our way.”


Image source: onadventurewithdad

6. “Today is mum‘s first day back at work after maternity leave.”


Image source: onadventurewithdad

7. “Dad is teaching me to ride a bicycle. I’m not sure this is the best way to start learning but dad seems very enthusiastic so let’s do this!”

Image source: onadventurewithdad

8. “Laundry day! Mom asked us to do the laundry and bathe Aster. Luckily dad is smart enough to do both at the same time.”


Image source: onadventurewithdad

9. “Happy birthday Alix! Even though we only have a small party due to COVID, we’re having a blast!”

Image source: onadventurewithdad

10. “Teamwork is dreamwork. Luckily dad is good at catching.”


God bless Kenny’s girlfriend.

Image source: onadventurewithdad

11. “A hot cup of coffee makes my day.”

Image source: onadventurewithdad

12. “I’m always surprised at what we find under furniture when we’re cleaning the house.”


After 23 long years!

Image source: onadventurewithdad

13. “Dad is a little scared of this virus so we ordered a couple of vaccines online.”

Image source: onadventurewithdad

Yo! I swear this is one of the coolest thing I have seen in my life. Like it’s really up there. All the ideas are so creative. I wonder what Kenny’s IQ is because these images are absolutely amazing and fully serve the purpose they were made for; to get a kick out of them. Fully did, sir! I am dying from laighter here.

How do you guys like it so far? No, it’s not over. More hilarity coming right your way. You just have to scroll!

14. “Yesterday we welcomed little sister ‘Aster’. She is doing well and is ready for new adventures with dad and her big sis!”


Image source: onadventurewithdad

15. “Throwback to our Christmas party last year. Merry Christmas everyone!”

A one to remember eh kiddo?

Image source: onadventurewithdad

16. “Home schooling: balance on-line”


When Daddy decides to show you how he used to go to school every day!

Image source: onadventurewithdad

17. “Holidays are over. Back to home schooling.”

The only knowledge you require to survive on this planet. Welldone, Dad!

Image source: onadventurewithdad

18. “Dad still isn’t used to wearing a mask in public places. You can’t go anywhere with him these days.”


When you are forced to take the matters in your own hands…

Image source: onadventurewithdad

19. “I love cooking with my dad.”

Hmm! Should have taken off some fat-cap first and seared it off to get those juices running!

Image source: onadventurewithdad

20. “I hate these rainy days.”


Every seen a more supportive baby than this one? The answer is no. Great job, little one!

Image source: onadventurewithdad

21. “Reading = learning”

Oh God! Wasn’t 1 Hitler already enough?!

Image source: onadventurewithdad

22. “Ikea feels like home”


Seriously, Dad?

Image source: onadventurewithdad

23. “You’re never too young to learn how to drive”

Very smart of her to realize that the future relies on Uber driving and not one of those $300,000 medical degree!

Image source: onadventurewithdad

24. “Sunday is teaching-dad-how-to-draw-a-rabbit-day.”


You’re a quick learner, Dad!

Image source: onadventurewithdad

25. “In lockdown so I’m helping daddy with some work in the garden.”

Nothing to worry about here, this is just light work for the baby!

Image source: onadventurewithdad

26. “I’m helping mom and dad in the kitchen today.”


The whole taking over the world book that the kid was reading up there, I think the parents need to start taking it very seriously because I am terrified of this kid lol!

Image source: onadventurewithdad

Wow! Now that is what you call “creativity put to good use.” All of these edits were very hilarious, all credit goes to Kenny and the kids for being a great sport. Not gonna lie, I did find some of them very cute as well, I don’t know.

What about you guys? How did you like it? Share with us in the comments section down below. We love reading your views.

Stay tuned for more goodness! And we hope Mommy is okay.


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