Calling someone a Karen is now officially offensive.
Rightfully so, Karens are the worst. They make the life of managers and retail workers a living hell. And then there are entitled people who walk the Earth acting as if people owe them something. They are so wrong. And when they get called out, they somehow still can’t see their mistake. What kind of ego is that? Where does the audacity come from? We should always be nice to each other, especially staff members that are providing you service. Most of them work on minimum wages and to top it off, they have to deal with Karens that want to return a half-eaten meal. How do you even deal with people like that? All your words fall on deaf ears and then they hit you with the classic “I want to speak to the manager” just to have the manager buzz them off.
It is no surprise that these people make a fool out of themselves on the Internet. Social media is quick to detect such people and call them out. They become laughing stocks for everyone and maybe then they might learn their lesson. Or maybe not. We can only tell with time. If you have never come across people like that, you are very lucky. Let us show you some Karens and entitled people uniting to make the world more miserable. Scroll down below to get surprised by their audacity:
1. Just sell them in a pet group instead?
Via RyanLavender
2. Can you tell that this is a handicap sign? Funny thing, her name is Karen.
Via RyanLavender
3. Calling the police because people are locking their own cars for their own safety.
4. This can’t be for real? They are calling the cops on kids too now?
Via Cinemaslap1
5. Stop building homes around my house because it disturbs me.
Via clumzyklutz
6. The guests should take their gifts back after seeing this.
Via clumzyklutz
7. The “Unacceptable!” already explained what was going to happen next.
Via rmks8285
8. Yes, that is exactly what happened.
Via slowjoe12
I do not understand how the world tolerates such people. Were these people raised this way or do they just choose to be obnoxious? The real question is, can they stop being this way? They would be doing the world a huge favour by learning some manners and behaving like decent human beings. And don’t think we are done yet. There are more entitled Karens left for you to see. Scroll down below:
9. This note was found at a free library.
Via freezethawcycle
10. Did they have any guests at the wedding after this?
Via mariusionicajr
11. This just baffles me. What did I just read?
Via Crit-ter
12. Give rent and also clean our house.
Via krn0309
13. He hasn’t watched the show, has he?
Via piethopper
14. When you do meth instead of math.
Via princeps_harenae
15. Proud to be a Karen.
16. Increase your price, it is ruining my reputation.
Via 99Fan
Have you ever dealt with such people? Share your experiences down below.