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30 Hilarious Comics For Dark Humor Fans By Artist Dave Blazek

Dark humor fans will love this.

The artist, Dave Blazek, is not only a wonderful cartoonist but he is also a comedian of the New Yorker and he has also mastered the art of single panels comics which is way more complicated than it sounds. He is extremely talented and has experience of many years, he has been making people laugh with his amazing jokes for a long time now. The artist loves to create comics in the old newspaper style. The “Loose Parts” is a series of insanely intelligent, strangely hilarious and mind-blowingly odd but amazing comics. It is the best fulfillment of entertainment you will ever experience. There is a lot of dark jokes, of course, there is some clever stuff and some silly jokes too. It has perfectly balanced humor, the kind of jokes that are suitable for people of all ages. The artist is actually very famous on social media too. He has over 6.9k followers on Instagram that love and appreciate his artwork. Keep on scrolling down to see his hilarious comics…

1. Started with a great joke already.


2. I would also love to know how they treat their customers there.


3. They must be very stupid.


4. They are artificial intelligence after all.


5. Oh, no. The blood thirsty glances are so scary.


6. Sloths are so cute.


7. This is a good one.

8. Just a sad dog singing his blues.


9. This is just not okay…

10. Just…look..down.


11. Oh, she really popped his bubble of confidence.

12. It was the “last in the series” part for me.


13. I wonder what made you think it was a good idea in the first place.

14. I would be screaming so loud if someone actually did that at a funeral.


15. Congratulations on this little addition to the family.

The incredible artist has done a great job with these comics, they are absolutely funny and mind-blowing. This kind of talent is rare, not many possess the art of making people laugh with one-line jokes. It is actually way more difficult than it sounds and only true comedians can do that. He has won numerous awards for his amazing work which also includes the National Cartoon Society’s Reuben Award. How cool is that?! For the ones who do not know, Reuben Award is literally known as the Oscars of the cartoonist world. This is really so legendary, artist do not get enough appreciation and recognition for their hard work and amazing talent. keep on scrolling down…

16. Oh, poor flamingos.


17. This is an easy way to teach kids how the universe was created.

18. Mocking nature, I see.


19. This is totally me.

20. Get well soon, Timmy.


21. That was so shady, I love it.

22. I would be so pissed as a nurse if a doctor actually said that.


23. Oh, no. You did not just say that to him…

24. So many uses of romba.


25. Grover learned his lesson.

26. Have hope, my dear friend.


27. This one was so funny!

28. That was a bit too harsh but okay, go on.


29. Okay, this is very clever.

30. Oh, that is why she looks so relaxed…


The artist has really impressed me with his unique humor, his excellent work and hilarious comedy can easily make anyone fall in love with his work. Do you guys like dark humor? Tell us in the comments…


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