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Dog Tweets That Are Guaranteed To Cheer You Up

Feeling low or exhausted? Or just in here for some fun? Either way, you know that we have always managed to cheer you up with our tweets, memes and hilarious stories. Not to forget, mostly it revolves around the two most famous creatures on earth. Yep, you guessed it right, cats and dogs. They are certainly one of the most adorable creatures to ever exist!

However, today’s article is going to be dedicated to our doggos and we are gonna have to excuse the cat owners for today. But hey, you can still join us for a good laugh but only if your love for cats is not biased. Moving on, now, you must be anxious for what we have managed to collect today to make you laugh, right? Without delaying it any further, let us break it to you.

We have collected some of the most hilarious Dog tweets today from the internet which is going to make you laugh your ass off and you would definitely be left asking for more because they are that adorable and funny! Are you ready for it? Scroll down.

1. How did you even manage for that long? I couldn’t even get past 15-20 seconds.

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How can you ever resist the cuteness?

2. Like a boss.

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All the other dogs be like, please give us a chance to prove our innocence, Mr Williams.


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That has got to be the cutest thing I’ve seen today.

4. Are you sure it’s not your mum dressed as a sheepdog?

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But damn, he’s massive AF!

5. Yep, it’s literally that simple.

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Got my little counsellor right here, with me!

6. I would certainly agree with that.

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Just look at those legs! WHAT ARE THOOOOSSSEEE.

7. Friends forever?

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That’s how they do it instead of the fists!

8. Are you sure Joker is going to stop crime?

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If he does, he’d be like, “why so serious?” to the criminals he’d catch.

Aren’t you having the time of your life? We loved these tweets and we are certain that you are enjoying them too. But if you are worried that it has ended, don’t be! Because we have more tweets for you. So, you better keep on scrolling because it just keeps on getting better and better!

9. That’s alright, you can learn from him.

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Or get to know other dogs along with him, it will be easier.


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I would NEVER leave him alone.

11. I am sure she can save lives

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With her cuteness!

12. Damn, he’s happy to be the President’s dog.

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I rule this country, b*tch.

13. Awww, that’s alright Charleston.

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You are too adorable for us.

14. Is that even real?

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How can he be SO CUTE!? I hope I’m not dreaming.

15. I know right.

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But we just gotta let it absorb.

16. That would be nice but then I’d not have any girlfriend.

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Because I’d be texting and calling my doggo all the time.

17. Yeah, and we don’t even have the heart to take the food away from them.

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Because the puppy face they make, just melts our heart.

And that’s it. We are done with the hilarious and cute tweets for today and we really hope that it did bring a smile on your face. It’s amazing how talking about our beloved animals or looking at anything related to them just brings a smile on our faces instantly and makes our day, isn’t it? Which tweet did you like the most? Let us know in the comments section down below.


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