Someone probably made a mistake by making these signs.
Don’t get me wrong, dogs can be absolutely vicious when they want to be or when they think their owner is in danger. However, most of the time they are adorable floofs who only want snuggles.
That is why the following images are so hilarious. While some of these dogs might scare me when I am walking down the street, most of these are even smaller than my knee height.
So if you are in need of a good laugh, you have come to the right place.
#1 He just wants someone to pet him.

#2 He is luring you in with that adorable face.

#3 He wants loads of snuggles.

#4 I am scared to ask as to what happened to the dog.

#5 Oh yes, I am very scared.

#6 The sketch does him no justice.

#7 He is death personified.

#8 Just a big Canadian dog here.

#9 He is waiting for you to boop him.

Either that or he’s just sunbathing. But however way you look at him, he is not the same dog as in the image. This one is just a good boy who is in the wrong place at the wrong time.
#10 Her face says it all.

#11 Because he will make you feel your guilt.

#12 ‘Just wait until I grow big and strong.’

#13 By the look of her, she ate the dog.

#14 He can squeeze out of those bars.

#15 This doggo is too sad.

#16 The most vicious guard dogs I’ve ever seen.

#17 I would have thought they hide it themselves.

#18 He is coming to get you.

#19 The bloody handprints tell a story.

Your eyes might miss anything but the doggo at first. But trust me those bloody handprints will scare off everyone better than before of the dog signs=.
#20 He has hypnotic powers.

#21 Are those tears fake?

#22 This is a breed I’ve never seen.

#23 He will come for you after he is done taking a nap.

#24 I think he’s stuck.

#25 Is he inviting someone for tea?

#26 You should have told me sooner.

#27 Nothing to see her, just a very big doggo.

#28 He will bite your pinky off.

#29 The dog is not happy to be stuck in there.

#30 Why sleep so close to the tires?

#31 He is taking his job very seriously.

#32 Run before he gets even angrier.

I mean can’t you tell by the eye twitch that he is done with this sh*t and just wants to see the world burn. Big doggos might look scary but it’s always the little ones who do the most damage.
#33 No thief will even think about it.

#34 Google translate is a beautiful thing.

#35 Probably a good idea.

#36 If only the rope wasn’t there.

#37 His eyes tell a story.

#38 I’d be more scared of the cat.

#39 Who knew elephants were a breed of dogs.

#40 You can’t run from her.

#41 The little one is even scarier.

#42 Is he planning on jumping the fence?

#43 This is too adorable.

#44 The cat is there to keep the invisible dog safe.

#45 Beware of the cuteness overload.

#46 Is this toys tory?

#47 How can you just pass him by?

What did you think of this ‘beware of the dogs’ signs? Do you think they were justified? Why not let us know in the comments?
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