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Dogs Being Dogs On Snapchat (25 Wholesome Pics)

Snapchat is one of those apps that almost everyone has, even if they don’t regularly use it. There’s an attraction to it, from the filters to the specialized custom emojis that you can design after yourself, to most importantly, the small life of a snap. Personally, I believe that’s what makes Snapchat so successful and useful, because it’s only going to be seen once and never again, people tend not to worry too much about aesthetics or anything like that.

You can just snap a picture to share a moment in your life with someone, and it’ll never be seen again. Unless, of course, someone screenshots it or you go out of your way to save it. Because of this, there are countless instances of people snapping pictures of their puppies to put on other social media, because Snapchat becomes the default way of taking pictures, especially with how you can easily caption them.

Source: Facebook

#1 Bonus


According to Rover, there’s a full science behind finding animals adorable.

Think about the naughtiest thing your dog ever did. For me, it’s the time my dog Ralph got into the kitchen cupboard while I was out and tossed a bag of flour all over the house. I was frustrated when I came home to a find flour ground into the carpet, but then Ralph looked up at me with those big, round eyes, flour dusting her adorable nose, her sweet, soft ears flopping over as she tilted her head…how could I stay mad at a face like that?

#2 Sleeping


#3 Traintracks


#4 Beginner’s Training Class


#5 Snoot


#6 Cat


#7 Days off

#8 Special


To answer the question, “Why are dogs so cute?” we have to start by identifying what cuteness looks like. Of course, we can all name cuteness when we see it (our own beloved pets being the cutest things in the whole wide world, of course). But there’s actually a recognized list of characteristics that determine “cute,” all fitting under the German word kinderschema, or baby schema

#9 Fake throws

#10 Front seat


#11 German Shepherd

#12 Personal Space


#13 Smile highlight

#14 Innocent


#15 Jeff

#16 Loving each other


#17 Mike Tyson

#18 Adopted


Even without a handy list of cuteness cues, most of us have an innate sense of what’s cute and what’s not. You look at a sweet, fluffy dog and you just know: that thing is cute. Or you might look at a snake and think: so not cute. Where the science of cute gets really interesting is when we start to consider why certain features tickle our squee response. It’s no accident that every cuteness cue is intrinsically tied to youthfulness and even helplessness.

#19 Waiting

#20 Pregnant


#21 Proud

#23 Graduated


#24 Straw hat

#25 Boss’s dog


What about you? Do you snap pictures of your dogs to people often? Tell us down in the comments!


What do you think?