Dogs are one of the most lovable floofs and everything they do just makes them even more irresistible. Our doggos love being playful, excited, affectionate, and calm, all in one package! These canine friends of ours exhibit different behaviors from time and time. Sometimes the cuteness can’t be handled all at once and can be different from their usual behaviors.
Here’s an example we just explored of their distinct behavior. Dogs below unleash their inner cats and love to chill around on the windowsill whenever they feel like resting. Sitting on the windowsill is usually something observed in cats but these doggies didn’t stay back in out-leasing the property they have in common with their rivals.
1. It’s so comfy up here, I am already sleepy…
Seems like that’s your favorite spot in the house
2. Hey human, I love to sleep here with my legs tucked underneath like this
3. That butterfly is new in our garden, haven’t seen her before!
Yeah, who would know better than you little one? You’ve been keeping a close watch
4. Me and my brother, we love chilling around up here
That’s a pretty small brother you have right there, doggo…
5. Can we make this my new door, please?
Ummm, sure?
6. See, I fit in PERFECTLY!
7. I get a good view of the tv from here and also of the neighbors
8. Hey mom, look I don’t need to grow taller to look outside, I have a perfect view from up here
Is that windowsill even comfortable to sit on? How do they feel so comfortable relaxing up there? That’s a serious question. Keep scrolling to find out if you’re puzzled too…
9. I have an eye on you
Seems like a shot from a haunted house…
10. I like the breeze makes me sleepy
Perhaps, your new napping spot?
11. Why didn’t I try this spot before? This is my new splooting spot for sure…
12. I swear I wasn’t looking at the neighbor’s daisy, but she sure is beautiful…
Naughty doggo, keeping a watch on neighbor’s bitch
13. “I took the cat’s favorite spot. Sorry not sorry”
The cat seems purr-fectly fine with it…
14. Peek a boo, I see you better from here
15. Agent sput, reporting sir! I have my eye on the area outside, sir…
Nothing bad is happening, not under his watch at least
16. I like the shiny car that just drove by, I think you should get that
Thanks for the suggestion, bro!
This doggie feature was sure new to all of us I think. Dogs are curious animals and they love to keep a close eye on their surroundings. They moreover make sure to keep the house secure hereby, keeping a watch on the neighborhood — oh wait there might be a girl-dog they might also be watching!
Sitting and resting on the windowsill probably makes it easier for them to look outside and around the house, at once. No matter what the reason is, it’s something adorable to watch how they choose to Sploot with their paws often hanging down the sill.
If your dog has also chosen windowsill to be ‘its’ spot lately, do capture them hanging around there and make sure to share it with us !!