Kids think they are the smartest but they are not. They do some of the dumbest things that make their parents laugh.
Every married couple wishes to have a kid or two. Being a parent is not as easy as it sounds. Pregnancy, delivery, going through post-traumatic stress disorder, changing nappies, sleepless nights and what not. It takes a lot to become a parent. You get happy, when your kids finally start growing up but hold on, the difficult part has just started. Your kid is going to give you a hard time. They will start crying for someone looking at them and even if no one is making them cry, they will bite their own arm and start crying. That’s how kids are. Get ready for all the fun and the dumbest moments your kids are going to create.
Today, we have compiled 50 dumbest childhood moments and we are sure they will make you laugh. So, scroll down and enjoy!
1. That’s how we can grow birds. It’s that easy.
Via: exilegrimm
2. Baby, why not marry a doughnut or pizza?
Via: matty80
3. “Grandma, are you ok???”
Via: not_thenanny
4. Why is my shadow always following me and copying me?
Via: henpeckedhal
5. “My son thought this light switch would control the lights in the store”
Via: IHateDolphins
6. I have big dreams.
Via: DanSpenser
7. I have got an important question for you, doctor.
Via: amalt
8. “Just lost my foot after a motorcycle accident. This is the sticker my son chose to decorate my brace.”
Via: roersmat
9. Now, I know why they say protection is important.
Via: HomeWithPeanut
10. Son, adulthood is not easy.
Via: me_irl_but_online
11. “We found my wife’s phone in the toilet yesterday. We weren’t sure which of our three kids put it there…….until my wife scrolled through her pictures today.”
Via: footeperu
You should be happy that your kid did not flush it at least.
12. “My niece just made everyone friends and said “No fighting”. I can’t stop laughing.”
Via: rashdash
No more fighting, everyone is a friend.
13. Dad, look at him. He is taking all the credit.
Via: joeheenan
14. “My 10 year old nephew told his mom he doesn’t know how his phone broke. He just woke up and it was like that. A few days later she finds he posted this on YouTube.”
Via: SisteroftheMoon16
15. “My brother and I met our favorite super hero (The Hulk) when we were 4. We were pissed off because Lou Ferrigno wasn’t green.”
Via: DustyPlumper180
16. When your kid see the doggo wearing a cone of shame, better get her a cone of shame or get ready for hours of crying.
Via: Obese_hairnet
17. It’s been an hour that the whole family is finding the car keys their kid has buried in the sand:
Via: Deimos_PRK
18. She thought she was using hair gel but it was hair removing lotion:
Via: gumberry
19. Never show them their newborn pictures.
Via: Tobi_Is_Fab
20. When you are hiding from mum:
Via: tardis15
21. “The neighbourhood kid loves my cat and insists that my cat loves her back. This picture accurately shows how much kitty loves her.”
Via: Kissegrisen
22. My whole life has been a lie.
Via: IrfanMirza
23. He is trying to jump out of the car to play with the baby girl in the other car.
Via: Fast-Focus7399
24. How can you not see the graze?
Via: threetimedaddy
25. “Me to my class: “Okay boys and girls, hang up your snacks so we can go into art class!” I laughed so hard! I love kindergarten!”
Via: pBr_R1ot
Everyday is a new day with kids. They give you a new reason every day to make you laugh or cry but trust us, before you will start crying, they will start crying and you will decide not to cry because only one can cry at a time. Sometimes they make hilarious mistakes that prove how innocent and cute these little kids are. If, you are a parent, we are sure, you must be relating to all of these. Scroll down because the fun has not ended yet.
26. Dad’s expiration date is near and we all need to cry:
Via: jibinjohn369
27. When you don’t want anyone to disturb you:
Via: Pikafishy
28. ““Mommy there’s green goo coming out of my waffle!” -my 6yo son”
Via: princessbuttercat
29. When you have tons of toys but you choose to play with an onion:
Via: DarkDayzInHell
30. Mom, you invited everyone on your birthday except me.
Via: LeratoWittes
31. When your kid is playing hide and seek with you:
Via: KingD88
32. When you work at a daycare:
Via: darC_Jak
33. When you are a kid but know how it would be like to grow up:
Via: jimbabwe12
34. “My little sister vs the Roomba”
Via: pil0t_g2
35. He is following the instructions at least.
Via: HenpeckedHal
36. Partners is crime.
Via: TheAmazingManatee
37. She is drawing this in church:
Via: postgameforlife
38. Playing hide and seek with kids is fun:
Via: mrpogo88
39. When your 10 year old brother sets up a password:
Via: bekal69
40. “My son was 6 when he was helping us move.. each year this memory pops up and it’s a family favourite”
Via: pianoman1969
41. “My son said he was hot and wanted ice cream. This is not what I expected.”
Via: PotentialApathy
42. Another day, another list:
Via: henpeckedhal
43. “My four-year-old won’t stop laughing about this donut smiley face that’s wearing sunglasses and has two mouths.”
Via: Wompum
Mom, why does this doughnut have two mouths?
44. “My nephew wanted a portrait of George Washington. Thank goodness he didn’t want a portrait of Ben Franklin”
Via: Marabakes
45. When no one is hurting you, hurt yourself and cry:
Via: raquelportilho
46. “She dressed herself; it’s definitely backward.”
Via: ImOKatSomeThings
47. “I guess I don’t have to worry about college with this one”
Via: dirtmanjenks
48. He did not want his shoes to get wet, so he put on some paper bags over his shoes.
Via: WhoIsTheUnPerson
49. “Me at 3 years old, having a meltdown, because my parents sold our car, Little Blue.”
Via: kayasannes
50. “At age 8, I achieved my lifelong dream of becoming a piggy bank. That’s a €0.10 coin on the way out.”
Via: Daedross
Are you a parent of adorable, dumb kids? Share their dumbest moments with us, we want to laugh a little more. Don’t forget to mention which of these made you laugh the hardest.