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Employee Who Worked For 36 Hours For A Project Maliciously Complies To Director’s Demands

Steve underestimated his employee while carrying out malicious compliance. For those unaware of what Malicious Compliance really means, it is the behavior of intentionally inflicting harm by strictly following the orders of a superior while knowing or intending that compliance with the orders will have an unintended or negative result.


The term usually implies the following of an order in such a way that ignores or otherwise undermines the order’s intent but follows it to the letter. Such is the case of this employee who shared his story with us. Scroll down and check it out;

Todd the man is used to fixing the un-fixable.

Via u/Ars-Torok

He is the ultimate backup plan, Todd steps in when no one else can fix the unfixed.

The backup has a backup.

Via u/Ars-Torok

It seems like quite a prestige to be one of the members of Todd’s team! The elite group seems like one of those groups with all the cool kids, that we aspire to be a part of.

Firstly being part of Todd’s team and also being the specialist of Third-Party Integration.

Via u/Ars-Torok

This seems like quite an advancement from where he started. They definitely have a lot of products to work with without having to get bored with any of them.

The trial month seems like quite a stressor to prove your worth.

Via u/Ars-Torok

The first trial month and the more needy client laid out quite a demand on board.

“Put me in coach”, the situation is about to take a turn real quick.

Via u/Ars-Torok

Todd seems like a nice lad, way better than Steve.

The hustle is just way too real.

Via u/Ars-Torok

The hectic routine can be taking a toll on the lad, it isn’t easy to work without any damage done.

Steve is the cherry on top of all this fuss going on.

Via u/Ars-Torok

Steve is being a bit too un-empathetic which should never be the case in such scenarios. Understanding the situation and responding in an empathetic manner is just as crucial to resolve problems.

He decided to take things into his own hands from now on.

Via u/Ars-Torok

Steve is trying to act slick. He is not that dumb either, he has prepared well for the meeting and those around him are quite a bunch too.

A new plan is set for action.

Via u/Ars-Torok

The sleep must have been quite rewarding.

Via u/Ars-Torok

It seems to be like quite the journey he has had in a while now and he needed a well-deserved sleep!

The HR had to bring this up.

Via u/Ars-Torok

It seems to be like quite a roller coaster, once you think the coast is clear, it is another tide in full speed towards you.

I hope the superior Steve is much more like Todd!

Via u/Ars-Torok

Steve was being a bit too much to deal with, I am sure we all would have that one Steve in our offices where we would have to go through things much similar to the one explained. Do you agree with me on this? Let us know in the comments section below!

image source: u/Ars-Torok


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