Anyone can get late to work and there should be some time concession for everyone.
Have you ever heard about someone getting fired for being late? This person was not getting late to work on daily basis. It was the first time in 7 years that he got late to work. A boss may fire someone if he comes late to work every day. This competent employee who has given his 7 years to a company fired him without any notice for being late to work for the very first time. His coworker posted on Reddit that they are planning on going to work late every day until the bosses rehire him. You can give a warning to an employee but you can’t fire them straight. It is unfair. Scroll down to read the complete story. OP has also made an update in the comments so scroll down.
1. OP’s coworker was fired for being 20 minutes late for the first time. OP and other coworkers have decided to come late every day until they rehire him.
2. Boss wrote in the employee’s annual review that he was 5 minutes late.
3. Good bosses do not worry about employees coming late as soon as the work gets done.
4. The only painter working in the company was the guy who got fired.
5. The boss thinks that anyone who causes problems in production should be fired.
6. Being late to work is not a reason to fire someone. It is an excuse for firing someone.
7. If someone comes late, you can make them stay some minutes late.
8. If OP is in the United States, he should know about the “Protected Concerted Activity”:
OP and his other coworkers should make a Union and stand up for their rights instead of getting mistreated by their toxic bosses. Also, these bosses should be held accountable for firing an innocent and highly competent employee. We hope the guy who got fired gets a better job with a better salary because he deserves so much better than his current job. Scroll down for more comments and updates posted by OP.
9. OP and his coworkers should consider unionizing:
10. OP and his coworkers should consider an organized protest:
11. OP commented about giving an update in three days:
12. OP gave a new update in his lunch break. Their mission is to come late every day.
13. Why OP kept his post short and simple:
14. Terrible things happen in workplaces and employees need to come together as a group:
15. OP has decided to expose this company to the max.
16. Sounds like the superiors were looking for a reason to fire him.
Have you ever got fired for being late or faced any consequences for being late to work? Share your opinion in the comment section down below!