This story proves Karens have no brain cells.
Karens were planted on this planet for literally no reason at all. But that ended up being perhaps the only bad decision nature ever took. You see, a normal person has brain cells to comprehend everything happening around them in life. Those brain cells are used, in a very sane way, to make decisions, to move ahead with life peacefully without sticking a leg in anyone’s business for no reason. And above all, the difference between what is right and what isn’t, that’s the capability brain cells provide us. Now, can you imagine what the personality, attitude, and behavior of a person would be like if they didn’t have any brain cells? Well that, in simple words, is a Karen. Karens are those entitled people who don’t think, who don’t evaluate the consequences of their decisions, and just think they can do anything and everything. All of this is based on one wrong thought and that is they believe they have superiority over every other human being and that whatever they want to happen, must happen even if it is impossible. It is only after that event takes place that they realize their foolish error. With an ego so high, there is no way they would ask for forgiveness so they start cursing the living hell out of who gives them the taste of their own medicine.
Today’s story is about a dumb Karen manager, who I seriously believe is of an unsound mind. She asks one of her employees to get a video file printed out. Yes, I was just as shocked as you guys are right now after reading this. The employee, having brain cells unlike Karen, decided to maliciously comply with their boss’ demand which ultimately resulted in Karen being fired from work.
Scroll down below to read what happened!
1. Some proper malicious compliance coming right your way people. This is exactly how a Karen should be dealt with, take notes.
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2. OP worked for a community nursing service and dealt with all the “computer stuff”.
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3. Everyone was friendly and caring, except their annoying Assistant Manager, a full-fledged 75+-year-old Karen.
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4. OP had to do all the computer work for her because she was too senior to do it herself however, we all know, she was too dumb to do all that work.
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5. So would anyone. A pdf is a document printable on paper but what does she want when she says print an mp frikkin 4 file?
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6. Wow, the woman really did want an mp4, which is a video file, printed…
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7. I think this particular Karen has officially gone mad. Oh, wait…they all already are.
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8. Yeah alright but we would all love to know how you got a video file printed and working on paper.
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9. OP was left with no other option but to maliciously comply.
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10. No time bracket and an mp4 to print for a dumb boss. This will be interesting.
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I am so confounded by this woman right now and I don’t even work for her. Imagine how that 18-year-old would be feeling. My god, gone are the days when Karens would mildly infuriate you, now they full-on boil your blood. And I swear the argument this Karen is making, had OP been in their 30s, they would’ve fully slapped the eyes out of that assistant manager for being this rude for something that is not possible.
Let’s see how OP dealt with the matter at hand.
11. One last attempt was made in hopes that Karen would realize the words that came out of her mouth but it was like hitting your head on a wall.
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12. Wow! The employee ended up printing screenshots from the video file…frame by frame…
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13. Go on, look happy. You got what you wanted, Karen.
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14. Oh boy, the Karen had a lot to say and I am certain she will.
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15. An HR meeting was called upon the employee by Karen herself and it all ended up backfiring right on her rude bum.
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16. OP raising voice was sought as an opportunity by other staff members as more and more complaints against the vicious Karen started coming in.
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17. Enough was enough as Karen got laid off and the whole organization celebrated a well-achieved victory. I can hear her cursing everyone at the office right now from her bedroom.
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I hope you guys enjoyed this epic act of compliance that put this Karen right into her place. Please do share your thoughts in the comments section down below and try not to hold back.
Stay tuned for more!