You can make anyone fool but never mess with a call center rep.
People working in the call centers deserve an award for dealing with all kinds of customers and their illogical shit. It is a difficult job but these people know how to do it well. A guy who used to work at a call center got a call from a crazy lady one day who was complaining about a service that she did not purchase but was added to her account. She wanted to get it removed. The crazy lady was claiming that it was the system’s mistake that they added the service to her account because she clearly did not add it to her account.
OP asked her if he can remove it and the lady said no, don’t remove it since it was the system error and she would keep it. OP then asked her again that if she is happy to keep it, she would be charged for it but the crazy lady did not want to be charged for it. She wanted to use the services without paying. OP and the crazy lady kept debating about it until the crazy lady told him to cancel the services. OP noted down all of her details so if they ever get any complaints from her next time, they can block her. Scroll down to read the complete story.
1. OP works in a call center. A lady called in and asked him about a service that was added to her account:
2. OP told her that he will remove the said service but the crazy lady said she would like to keep it and OP told her that she will be charged for it:
3. The lady told OP that it is not her mistake and she should not pay for it but OP double checked it and the order was not placed accidentally by the company.
4. OP told the crazy lady again that he cannot leave the service in her account if she is not willing to pay for it.
5. This went on for 10 minutes, then the crazy lady told OP to cancel the order.
6. The crazy lady did not stop there:
This lady was trying to scam these innocent people but luckily, it did not happen or we can say, OP did not let it happen.
7. The crazy lady tried the same trick with another rep two hours later:
8. If there are multiple complaints against a customer, the company bans him/her.
9. It’s nice that the emergency button is hit once someone curses at the customer service reps:
10. The crazy lady was trying to scam the company:
11. When the supervisor is happy to refund:
12. The lady was intentionally adding the service to her account to get free services:
Have you ever been scammed by a customer? If yes, share your experience with us in the comment section down below!