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Embarrassing Fails At The English Language That Left Us Both Shocked And Hysterical

English language is not everyone’s cup of tea.

Especially when it’s not your first, or even second language. And it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Every language is tough on it’s own.

Take the spellings for example. You won’t know just by hearing a specific word, how it is spelled. There might even be two or more words that sound the same. And there are! Some pronunciations don’t match the spellings and some spellings don’t match the pronunciation. Confused enough? That’s what a foreign language does to you.

While we struggle with The English language on our day to day basis, these people topped the list of failed attempts and we just can’t get over it.

1. Come again?

Via DarthGoodguy

2. Thank God you didn’t make yourself antonym rolls.

Via DarthGoodguy

3. That doesn’t even rhyme!

Via DarthGoodguy

4. New achievement unlocked.

Via DarthGoodguy

5. Indeed.

Via DarthGoodguy

6. Porch of geese is an interesting language too.

Via DarthGoodguy

7. I wonder what they’re selling at the groj sale.

Via DarthGoodguy

8. Definitely not my cup of tea.

Via DarthGoodguy

9. We all are weirdoughs.

Via DarthGoodguy

10. It’s even more sexier when he touches your human leaves.

Via DarthGoodguy

11. I could do this all day.

Via DarthGoodguy

12. How cheesy.

Via DarthGoodguy

13. Now say it ten times without stopping.

Via DarthGoodguy

14. Just the dose of English I needed today.

Via DarthGoodguy

15. Just what I thought.

Via DarthGoodguy

16. Just like monkey and donkey are never pronounced the same way.

Via DarthGoodguy

17. Don’t bite off more than you can chew.

Via DarthGoodguy

18. Time to leave the earth.

Via DarthGoodguy

19. Or maybe $illy$ada$$.

Via DarthGoodguy


What do you think?