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14 Hilarious Situations Every Cat Owner Can Relate To

Cats can be very rebellious.

Cats are the most cutest, angelic and lovely creatures. They are so beautiful, I do not have the words to describe their beauty and their sweetness. The love, care and concern they have for their beloved owners is so precious because cats usually do not show affection towards their humans. They are not very expressive animals but when they do, it is super special. This is what makes all of them so lovable. They are such therapeutic creatures.

But do not be fooled by their angelic sides because where it is good, there is bad too. These animals can be such a handful sometimes. They are rebellious, mischievous and disobedient. Training them is like talking to the walls, they have this careless attitude. They have this arrogant and majestic aura that makes everyone insecure and they sure make themselves seem superiors by being super mean to others sometimes too. Arguing with them is totally useless because in the end, they convince and rather make us feel like peasants because we always end up listening to their commands. We have gathered a collection of pictures from the internet in which it is clear that cats do not care what you think because they will do what they want to do. Keep on scrolling down to see these pictures…

1. This is 100% accurate.


Image Credit: Purrtacular

2. Aww, so cute. I love it when my cat does that.


3. They make strategies in their heads to steal food from their owners.


4. This is so true!


5. Good hiding spot, Kitty.


6. I love how cats sleep, it is the most adorable thing ever.


7. Oh, they just hate our favorite books. Leave a book and a cat alone in a room, you will only find the cat in the room when you will come back.

These images were so accurate, oh God! For real, I could relate to most of them. I love how every cat owner in the world is going through almost the same experience, their cats are just as much annoying as mine and I am not going to lie it makes me feel a little better about myself. We all are suffering this pleasurable pain together. Keep on scrolling down to see more of these hilarious pictures:

8. They are not half as dumb as they act, they just do these types of things so we can serve them more food like servants. Very clever, kitty.


9. Oh, My heart. These cute little furbabies are scared of the noise of the vacuum cleaner.

10. No matter how many expensive gifts you buy for your cats, they will always play with everything else in the house except for those gifts. That is mean.


11. It is up to you, it is your choice but I know no matter how much destruction our cats cause us we will always choose the over anything else.

12. They act so sweet and cute, melts my heart.


13. Annoying and endearing at the same time. This describes cats perfectly.

14. I am going to ignore the giant cat house behind me and I am going to sleep, play in this box instead.


This is so crazy that mostly all of us are experiencing the same situations with our cats, these creatures are all the same in the whole world. This is an amazing thing. I can relate to so many of these facts about what cats do with their owner. I really find cats so fascinating, I love my Catto. What did you find relatable? Let us know in the comments down below…


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