HOA can often be a pain in the ass…often.
I don’t really have a personal grudge with these HOA people until they begin to interfere and start behaving like “Mr. Everyone’s Business Is Mine”. They meddle as they own you and tempers often go off when such an official meets your head. They basically have an extremely fictional job that provides no joy or motivation whatsoever so they have decided to find excitement in messing with other people, ruining their day and making days really tough to get through.
Well, today’s story does involve an HOA so you can have an idea that it is going to take you guys to the edge, but let me tell you something. That HOA officer wasn’t actually an HOA officer, they were faking the position.
One Reddit user, u/nickeisele, came home to an odd surprise, their Mercedes Benz was missing, anyone would lose it when such a heavy car goes missing. A week later, the user got a call from the towing company that they had their car in the yard and a certain HOA officer who goes by the name Diane had called for the car to be towed. Diane was not an actual HOA officer but an HOA Karen who got the car towed because apparently it wasn’t parked properly. The car also took some damage during the whole towing process, you wouldn’t like that as a Benz owner.
OP got to know that Diane was, indeed, not part of the board, as confirmed by the landlord, and decided to take the best pro-revenge ever.
Scroll down below to read this spicy story!
1. Wow, looks like this family has a lot of love and respect for that Mercedes, has been traveling down the hierarchy.
Via u/nickeisele
2. So the car wasn’t exactly in the best of shapes and required an $800 repair. Fair to park it elsewhere until you save up the money.
No big deal so far.
Via u/nickeisele
3. Anyone would be upset if the car that they purchased from their father went missing, but it wasn’t stolen it was towed.
Why would they tow a car for no reason?
Via u/nickeisele
4. Apparently the Mercedes was parked illegally according to the society rules and an HOA member decided to get it towed out.
I would be fuming if I had to pay $550 for absolutely no reason.
Via u/nickeisele
5. Oh dear, that’s a proper heart attack right there, that must’ve done it for OP.
Via u/nickeisele
6. OP decided to investigate as to what rules bared him for parking his car at the condo parking pad, and they found no provisions that they violated.
It was a fully functioning car and HOA member had no reason to get it towed, at least that’s what we know so far.
Via u/nickeisele
7. It looks like OP fully transformed into Sherlock Holmes and was desperate to get to the end of the matter.
Perhaps they are planning to shortlist the HOA member who ordered the car to be towed. Anyone would want to investigate if they are sure they are right.
Via u/nickeisele
8. It was a Diane who ordered the tow, Diane was not an HOA, Diane was a full fledge Karen.
Yet another victim of the Karen wave, it is worse than the current Covid variant.
Via u/nickeisele
9. My guy went on a lawsuit spree and basically sued everyone he felt was wrong. Way to go, brother.
Via u/nickeisele
10. Alas, finally they suid the real culprit. And mad, the has now turned from Sherlock to a lawyer.
OP is not going to let that woman go without giving her a piece of it.
Via u/nickeisele
11. So the charge is to receive all the treble charges, and the suit begins.
Via u/nickeisele
12. Well the whole lawsuit spree did feel kinda dumb, all lawsuits were dismissed except for the one on Diane and the management company because no other member was involved.
To be fair though, OP had nothing to lose so might as well lodge a case against everyone, perhaps someone could’ve been involved.
Via u/nickeisele
Oh my god, I hope you guys are managing well because there is way too much spice in this. The arc is almost at the climax, hold tight. It is going to be so damn satisfying, I hope justice prevails.
Scroll down below to continue.
13. Success number 1, OP got got the hookup charges and filing fee as the property management company admitted fault.
That’s $125 in the bank.
Via u/nickeisele
14. Success number 2, the towing company admitted fault for damaging the car while transporting it to the tow yard.
Another $1200 banked, Total is now that $1325.
Via u/nickeisele
15. Alas, the move against Diane and he fully roasted the living hell out of her.
Oof that is evidence and testimony upon another, Diane is fully smocked.
Via u/nickeisele
16. This does feel like the final nail in the coffin, Diane has been alleged of 2 frauds.
I cannot wait for the judgment.
Via u/nickeisele
17. Stop, she is already dead.
Fam, he is not holding back on this one. This entitled Karen is going to be sent for the good.
Via u/nickeisele
18. Oh my god, Diane was convicted of fraud and now owed OP a whopping $3225.
Ouch, that one surely must’ve hurt.
Via u/nickeisele
19. He is not going to stop no matter what, no one would. That money needs to be paid, lawfully.
Via u/nickeisele
20. He paid $300 to the private investigators to pull out Diane’s bank details and got his money ploughed out of those accounts. Kinda surprised Diane made no moves at all, that Karen within died.
Left the $250 for her, cute!
Via u/nickeisele
21. Lesson taught.
Via u/nickeisele
22. My goodness, this was probably the biggest pro-revenge ever, one illegal tow and the whole world had to pay.
Whoever is in the wrong will have to pay for it as bad always comes in front and good always supercedes.
Via u/nickeisele
23. OP was a happy man.
Via u/nickeisele
Here’s what the internet community had to say about this pro drama meets pro revenge:
1. It was indeed.
Via u/nickeisele
2. Some pooled in solid suggestions.
Via u/nickeisele
3. Can’t wait for more stories like this one.
Via u/nickeisele
4. The dumb will never cease to exist.
Via u/nickeisele
5. There are many brave people out there who fight for their rights.
Via u/nickeisele
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