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Artist Creates Brutally Honest Illustrations About How Pregnancy Actually Feels Like

Having a baby is not an easy task at all.

Although the whole process of making a baby is really fun and exciting, what comes after can be literal hell. Pregnancy, for humans, is a 9 month period in which a baby grows inside its mother. It’s a whole process with something new happening every week. And along with all those things, come mood swings and all sorts of weird feelings. Women require a lot of support and positivity during that time. ANnoyance starts to kick in when they start putting on that weight. You know the thing about weight is that it changes everything. Your approach to everything changes; the way you sit, walk, stand, talk, all changes. So it really is a test and you know how much students sweat during a test.

It is important to understand pregnancy and all the know-how before planning to have a baby because trust me when I say this, it is not an easy job, for both the parents. And don’t even get me started on giving birth.

Well to make things easier, a very well-known and experienced illustrator, Amanda Oleander, decided to illustrate how pregnancy really felt like. She got pregnant in 2020 and according to her, the whole gestation period was not fun at all for both her and her husband.  Let’s take a look at her wholesome but very honest work on pregnancy all the way to the birth of her beautiful child.

Scroll down below to enjoy!

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1. Pregnancy reveal is one of the best feelings in the world.

It must be so hard for the wife to keep it a secret from the husband. You know, surprises like this shouldn’t be announced on texts or calls, but face to face. Her husband’s expressions are absolutely priceless.


2. Everthing becomes positive and everything then is oriented around the newcomer yet to come.

They look so joyous and just can’t wait to hear that heartbeat.


3. You realize how you should always be grateful.

Even during the toughest of times, one should always be aware of the fact that patience always leads to a fruitful outcome. So one should always be grateful, no matter how hard times get.


4. But the fun slightly fades away when you have to poop.

As I said, everything sort of changes. The way you sit or in this case, adjust onto the toilet seat to poop. That does not look comfortable at all. Say adios to comfortable poops for the next 9 months, mother-to-be.


5. Just can’t get their hands off of the baby.

It’s not even here yet and look at them being so protective. They are probably even dreaming about happy days with the baby in the future.


6. Oh! The regular nausea attacks.

Nausea is very common during pregnancy and there are many causes for it; rise in pregnancy hormones or low blood sugar levels. Morning and shower sicknesses also happen very frequently. Major causes can be stress or eating lots of unhealthy foods.


7. Anxious just to sense the tiniest of kicks.

A baby kicking in the uterus is actually considered to be very positive. According to many doctors, kicking is related to brain development.

8. Happily pregnant together.

I think the baby secretly does some enchantments to bring mommy and daddy close. They literally start doing everything together. The support from the husband during his wife’s pregnancy days is literally unimaginable.


9. The big day. It kicked!

A feeling to be remembered forever. But a little too many kicks can lead to nausea and pain. It’s a proper job being pregnant. Hats-off to women.

10. I hear it! I feel it! So soothing…


11. Husbands get very protective and possessive.

It’s like having 2 babies instead of one, for the wife.

12. A hack to relieve the back.

Carrying all that weight can actually cause severe back problems. Another trick is to get your husband to hold your belly and lift it up carefully for a couple of seconds. It literally, takes all the weight off of your spine and helps you relax.


13. Hormones forget what “limits” mean!

It is common for a woman to have a lot of mood swings in a day, during the pregnancy. If she wants chocolate and doesn’t get it within the next 10 minutes, her desire would then switch to Ramen noodle, or maybe she would protest by going straight to sleep.

14. It’s a big belly, which requires a lot of food to fill.


15. The fetus looks very healthy and very happy.

It’s like it knows Daddy is holding onto it. So adorable.

The two sides are very clear. The joy and excitement are right there. You can see it in their expressions. But then the side effects, require a lot of strength and support to be dealt with.

I think these illustrations have been extremely accurate so far. What a great job by Amanda.

Scroll down below to continue!

16. The things they do to help their wives with pregnancy stress.

If your husband has sung you songs during your pregnancy to either make you laugh or relax, remember to never ever leave him no matter what the circumstances.


17. Not long now.

18. When you can’t wait to see your gorgeous child smiling and having fun in this world.


19. Sudden morning kicks to “kickstart” the day.

Some women say it feels like butterflies while others compare it to bubbles forming and bursting.

20. The long wait is about to be over.


21. Better get that tan before the baby comes.

22. Just when you need them the most.


23. It’s finally time.

Giving birth is not easy at all. Women usually describe labor pain as an extremely painful and long-lasting menstrual cramp.

24. It’s a boy!


25. Mothers go through so much for their babies even before they arrive in this world. Respect!

26. Mommy and baby on that healthy diet.


27. In the belly. Now on the belly.

28. Look how quickly they grow up.


29. Source of eternal happiness.

30. Trickshots only!!!


Wow! A proper roller coaster. Never tell me having a baby is an easy job. It’s not a task for the soft-hearted, that’s for sure. I would like to applaud Amanda once again for her work. The work was literally so wholesome and put a big smile on my face, along with a realization about how hard the process it. Always support pregnant women to the best of your capabilities.

I really hope you guys enjoyed it. feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section down below.


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