What can be better than a cat?
If your answer was anything other than “kittens” then you are wrong. Kittens are all that is pure and precious in this world. They are completely harmless and all they want is someone who can love and care for them. They are so cute and cuddly, how could anyone not like them? It is said that a pet usually takes up the behaviours of its owner. And most of them do not lose these habits and behaviours as they grow up. Like sitting in the same spot or position as they did when they were newborns. Watching them grow up is just too precious. You consider them your child and your best friend as well. Spending your life with a cat is truly a blessing.
When you compare pictures of your cat with pictures of when they were kittens, you will have no idea of how fast they grew up. Time really flies when you are growing up with a cat by your side. Scroll down below to see some kitten to cat transformations that will melt your heart:
1. “3months vs. 3 Yo”
2. “After 2 Years”
3. “Rush Just Arrived Home And 8 Years Later…”
4. “Thor, Then And Now”
5. “Concerned Shelter Kitten To Concerned Tall Boy (7yo)”
6. “My Baby Boy, The Day I Found Him And Now, 18 Months Later”
: niamhish
7. “Casper At 3 And 13 Weeks Old”
8. “First Time In Her Cat Bed vs. 2 Years Later”
9. “The Evolution Of Eye Color (2-10 Months)”
10. “Started Life Lost In A Swamp, Now Cozy In A Christmas Sweater”
11. “There Was A Time When We Weren’t Sure If Nimbus Was Even A Cat. Here Is Her Successful Transformation From Crinkled Tissue To Fluffy Goddess”
12. “Kitten To Cat & Baby To Kid”
13. “Bowie And Jimmy From Cute Babies To Angsty Teens”
Aren’t these babies just so precious? Where did all that time go? Just yesterday they were little babies and we were being careful of them jumping off the bed so they would not hurt themselves. Now they fly around the entire house in their zoomies. Time really does fly especially when you are accompanied by these adorable fur babies. Comparing their old photos to their new ones makes us realise how fast they grow up. We are only halfway through our adorable list. Keep scrolling to see the rest that will melt your heart:
14. “Mia & Pumpkin. Growing Up Together…”
15. “Found As A 4 Week Old Kitten Under The Hood Of My Car And Now The Sweetest Big Boy Ever, Here Is Figs”
16. “3 months To 11 Months. Nigel, Please Stop Growing”
17. “From A Little Floof To A Lot Of Floof”
18. “5wks, 11wks, And 16wks”
19. “Then And Meow”
20. “Honey From A Dehydrated, Dirty Bottle Baby To A Beautiful, Healthy Girl”
21. “He Likes To Cuddle My Neck Every Morning And Night, 8 Months Later And He Still Does It”
22. “I Got My Cat Alfie When I Was 4 As A Gift On My First Day Of School And He Died When I Was 20. We Were Inseparable! I’m 27 Now And I Still Think Of Him All The Time. Until I See You Again My Boy”
23. “I Was Told To Post The Squid Here. As You Can See, He’s Always Been Fancy”
24. “Like The Queen”
25. “At 2 Years Old, She Is Still Sitting As She Did As A Baby”
26. “Baby To Now”
27. “Piko. She Grew Into Her Bobblehead”
28. “Smile Stayed The Same. Size Not So Much”
29. “From Kitten To… Older Kitten: The Two-Month Transformation Of My Foster Baby, Rollie. She Was Approximately 2 Weeks When I Got Her (With Mama, Eyes Just Opened)”
30. “Albie At 8 Weeks vs. Albie At 8 Months”
Do you have before and after pictures of your cat? Share them with us in the comments below.