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Taiwanese Artist Illustrate A Life Showing Changes Before And After A Human Adopts Pets

Life changes entirely when a pet enters your life.

There is no denying that an animal can make a major impact on your life, especially when it is the one we love so much and the feelings are likewise from the other side too. Even though pets have been turning around human lives into something very exciting, new, and fun for as long as I can remember, I still have no idea how they do it. It’s just so effortless and it’s nothing like a step-by-step transition. It happens so swiftly. One day, you are just chilling in your lounge waiting for the clock to hit 11 so you can finally lay in the bed and continue doing nothing. And if we add a pet animal into this equation, you would never want the clock to hit your sleep time because life is just too much fun with that creature and you just wanna keep doing random things together and let the days pass by. That’s the joy pets bring to life. And yes, with great joy, comes great responsibility. Yes, I changed that a bit but the underlying idea is the same. You are now a father/mother now that you have adopted a pet and it is your responsibility to look after it; its health, happiness, routine, cleanliness, diet, and everything.

A Taiwanese artist has basically showcased this change in life with the addition of pets in humans’ lives through their amazing illustrations. The artist has made an attractive, eye-catchy work of art by doing a before and after comparison of activities in life without and with a pet animal in life, respectively.

Let’s enjoy the work and see the impact of pets on their owners’ lives. Scroll down below to enjoy!

1. Forget about organizing your shoe shelf anymore because your pets are going to steal all your shoes and eat them right before your eyes.


Via mai2john / Facebook

2. No need to set alarms to wake up on time because your dogs will you up as soon as the sun comes out. And that is because they lose their patience and want to see you, desperately.


Via mai2john / Facebook

3. Packing will never be boring again. Your pets will keep you engaged by not letting you pack at all.


Via mai2john / Facebook

4. Oh yes, the best and the most comfortable seat in the house will automatically belong to your cat as soon as it enters the house.


Via mai2john / Facebook

5. They will take over your life and everything around you…literally.


Via mai2john / Facebook

6. You will never have to worry about hunting those creepy insects. Your cats would feel very proud taking on these duties for you.


Via mai2john / Facebook

7. You are gonna need a lot more plastic gloves for all the different reasons.

Via mai2john / Facebook

8. Empty beds would start feeling uncomfortable because you would always want your cuties to be around you, even when you’re sleeping.


Via mai2john / Facebook

9. You will shop less for yourself and more for your pet. A lot more for your pet.

Via mai2john / Facebook

10. Did you think you could play games on your phones when you have pets in the house? Think again.


Via mai2john / Facebook

It is so surprising to see what a change pets bring to the lives of those who they love. LIterally, everything starts to modify, the way their owners think, and do things, their routines change, priorities change, and soon you will see they will take over their owner’s phone’s image gallery as well. It’s just so amazing to see these cuties bringing a positive change to lives. We don’t deserve them for everything they do for us.

Let’s enjoy more illustrations of pets changing human lives.

11. Responsibilities, responsibilities, responsibilities.

Via mai2john / Facebook

12. No more clean rooms, ever.


Via mai2john / Facebook

13. Hi, Dad. Are you watching a movie without us and is that a delicious platter of food? We would like to join you.

Via mai2john / Facebook

14. No more solo karaokes. You will always be taking your pet out for a walk, after the adoption.


Via mai2john / Facebook

15. You will be forced to feel like a loser if you have those delicious meals all by yourself. Your cat will make sure you feel like a loser.

Via mai2john / Facebook

16. Your favorite toys are now your dog’s. No questions asked.


Via mai2john / Facebook

17. First priority will be to fulfill your pup’s need and not your own.

Via mai2john / Facebook

18. You are not allowed to do anything else but play with your pets.


Via mai2john / Facebook

19. Just goes on to show the impact they all have.

Via mai2john / Facebook

20. Not just the car but your life will be full of fur.

Via mai2john / Facebook

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Anyone who is a pet owner who just went through this post, we would love to know if these illustrations are accurate or not?

Don’t forget to share your thoughts and opinions in the comments section down below. Hats off to the artist for these amazing illustrations. It truly was a work of art.

Stay tuned for more illustrations!


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