Seeing all the talent leaving your organization is quite challenging. There may be many reasons and causes why the employee wants to quit their job. One of the biggest causes of high employee turnover is the bossy attitude of managers and top management. Also, employees leave because managers think they own the people, they can walk over them. They think employees are their puppets and they can treat them like garbage. Managers can kick them out of the place whenever they want. There is a corporate manipulation where employees are considered puppets, and they act like a robot. This manipulation results in employee demotivation, and ultimately they quit their jobs.
We see many real-life examples around us. Similarly, we are here with another story of an employee who quit because of the bossy attitude of the manager. John – the manager couldn’t manage his employees properly due to which the employees left the organization. The third employee “Sarah” quit her job without any prior notice. After Sarah left, John asked one of the employees named Brandon: “We’re short-staffed for the rest of this year because Sarah just quit without any warning” “We’re backed up so I’m going to need you to come in during Thanksgiving this year. Don’t be shocked if you have to come in during Christmas eve and day too [sic]”. The scenario is shown in the picture below.

There are many organizations where the managers won’t let their employees take off or enjoy their vacations. As we see, the manager is giving orders to one of the employees to come office. John asked Brandon to take place of Sarah when she quit her job without any prior notice.
Managers demand’s that employees must come to the office on their days off. No matter what day it is, a Christmas Eve or thanksgiving day, they don’t even bother to ask them if they are available or not. The managers directly demand the employees and ignore the interest of their people. This way, employees lose interest in the job, and the company faces high employee turnover.
Brandon’s request for vacation was denied by his Manager.
This story is about an employee named “Brandon”. He requested a vacation 3 weeks ago from his manager, and the manager agreed. But, one day the manager asked Brandon to visit the office, he replied “I already told you 3 weeks ago I need that week off and you agreed”. He stated, “Now you’re changing your mind? I will not be working Thanksgiving, and if you ask again I will not be working for you at all anymore.”
Here, the manager set some expectations with Brandon. John said, “We’ve had to set expectations with you multiple times this year,” says John, “Coming in is the least you can do, your PTO request has been denied. I’m not asking you to come in, I’m telling you that you have to.” Here, the manager was directly giving orders to the employee, he was not asking him to do so but it was just an order and the employee was left with no other option.
To retain employees, it is important to keep their interests and request under consideration. If the management doesn’t support their employee, they will ultimately lose the talent of the organization. Similarly, in this case, Brandon already asked for the leaves, but the request was denied later and John once again lost one of the employees. “And I’m telling you that you’ll have no worker at all now,” says Brandon. “I quit.”
Social Media – Top trends, a threat to organizations!
Social media has become a threat for organizations nowadays. Recently, we see a lot of conversations between managers and employees uploaded on social media. Likewise, Brandon took this advantage and he uploaded the conversation with his manager to let the world know what attitude his manager was having. But Brandon wasn’t the only one. As soon as Brandon shared his story, a lot of people jumped in the bandwagon too.

US workers are quitting and striking through social media.
In the USA, employees started attacking their managers on social media. We see a lot of conversations uploaded on media like never before. We have collected a few examples of how the employees are being dealt with within the organization.

Organizations must retain their employees by considering them a valuable asset. Organizations’ workforce is the main part of successful companies. If the companies don’t manage their employees properly, they will lose the talent of the company one by one just like the case of John in this article. What would you do in this similar situation where your boss ordered you to work on thanksgiving day or Christmas? Will you quit the job? If not, what will you do?
Let us know in the comment section!