Little things can get you in trouble at work.
You are lucky if you have a good boss because most of us aren’t. There is always this one nosy colleague or a terrible boss who would make the workplace a hell for you. Well, workplaces cannot always be fun or healthy, sometimes we meet the most horrible, strange and obnoxious people at our jobs and they are mostly in the senior positions who would always be in the search of knocking us down rather than teaching us in a healthy way. You accept it or not, we all have once gotten in trouble for the weirdest reasons that make no sense. A Twitter user asked “what’s the weirdest things you ever got in trouble at work for? And people couldn’t control but come up with their experiences. Scroll down to read what got them in trouble.
1. What’s the weirdest thing you ever got in trouble at work for?
Source: Twitter
2. You can’t even doodle a flower on your break.
Source: Twitter
3. Race between the calculator and mental arithmetic.
Source: Twitter
4. Bosses want the tasks to be done in their way.
Source: Twitter
5. When you get in trouble for receiving inappropriate e-mails that you didn’t send, just received.
Source: Twitter
6. Now, you cannot even use humor.
Source: Twitter
7. When you try to spread an excellent public health message.
Source: Twitter
8. When you have to apologize for not being dead.
Source: Twitter
9. When you underestimate your employees.
Source: Twitter
10. Being too happy or too friendly is not accepted.
Source: Twitter
11. When you get told to think about the tops to wear on nights out.
Source: Twitter
12. Firing someone for the way they look or the way they walk is disgusting.
Source: Twitter
My mind fails to process what do the managers want from their subordinates. What do they have to do with the way someone walks? You guys should be concerned with their work and not about their personal traits. Why would you fire someone for the way they look or the way they walk? It’s ridiculous to shame someone like this and then fire them. Scroll down to read more!
13. When you get an official warning for humming the theme.
Source: Twitter
14. Managers are terrible.
Source: Twitter
15. When you are called up for using offensive language and you have no idea if you have been offensive or not.
Source: Twitter
16. Gladiator every day.
Source: Twitter
17. Are you guys telling me we cannot use semi-colons now?
Source: Twitter
18. We are always on our knees.
Source: Twitter
19. When you get reported for being insubordinate.
Source: Twitter
20. Is it a sin to be too knowledgeable?
Source: Twitter
21. Is it even a thing to get mad about?
Source: Twitter
22. You should have said, “have a bad night”.
Source: Twitter
23. Go to funerals rather than going to a job that can fire you at any time.
Source: Twitter
24. Pro tip: when managers start acting low, just walk out.
Source: Twitter
25. You go girl!
Source: Twitter
Such a brave girl for standing up someone couldn’t stand up for herself, she spoke for the one who couldn’t speak for herself. We need more people like her who don’t care for their jobs when it comes to choosing between the right and the wrong. We are proud of you for leaving that job and testifying in court. We are shocked to see there are people who think their employees should miss the funeral but not the job. Never fear leaving the toxic workplaces, it is for the greater good. Have you ever got called for the weirdest reason? If yes, share your experience with us in the comments below!