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Babysitter Leaves Town, Entitled Mom Still Expects Babysitter To Show Up

Boundaries! Regardless of where you are working, or with whom you are working, you must know your limits, know your boundaries, know where and when to stop. If you don’t know your limits, you will find yourself on many people’s “do not contact” lists. PERIOD!


Nobody wants to live with a person or be around who is always being a jerk and who always takes things for granted. Be it our own families, relatives, friends, or clients. Yes, our clients can be one of them! They are the ones who sometimes make our lives a living nightmare for us. They simply believe that they own us because they pay us a wage. At times, they are the ones who are the most difficult creatures to deal with in life. Anyways, you may have heard some awful stories about clients who become unpleasant, irritable, and at times, they are just a Karen.

It doesn’t matter where you work, whether it’s in a local store, a restaurant, or even just at home babysitting for friends and family. These clients are the ones who make one’s job more difficult because they are tough to please. A Reddit user, u/NagiNaoe101, described a client’s story in which the client went above and beyond the bounds of acceptable behavior.  Although the client (Mrs. Pest) had been notified of the trip and the inability to give babysitting services, the client continued to contact the OP’s family and inquire about the OP babysitting her children just because she needed to have a girls’ night out with her friends.

Well, just scroll down to read the complete story!

The OP used to babysit a family’s well-behaved children.

Via u/NagiNaoe101

So, the OP had to go to a school band activity one day, and she had already informed the people where she was babysitting.

Via u/NagiNaoe101

Everything was ok until one of the parents Mrs. Pest made OP’s and her family’s lives a living nightmare.

Via u/NagiNaoe101

She kept calling the family and inquiring about OP’s return.

Via u/NagiNaoe101

She even requested the OP’s younger sister to babysit for her since she was having a girl’s night out!

Via u/NagiNaoe101

When the OP came home, her family requested that she quit babysitting there, to which she agreed.

Via u/NagiNaoe101

What causes someone to be so self-centered and to only think about themselves all the time? Consider the following story: the client’s night out was far more essential than the OP’s school activity.  All she could think about was her party, and she went out of her way to make the lives of the OP’s family miserable for that one occasion. That’s completely insane!

It is important for people to respect and understand the personal space of others. If the OP is there to assist you with babysitting your children, she is the one who, for whatever reason, deserves to take a holiday. However,  this isn’t the first time we’ve come across a story about babysitting troubles and how the parents treat their child’s nannies. The internet and our society are full of these nasty people whose purpose is to create a mess in others’ life.

In the comments area below, let us know if you have ever experienced any similar incident just like this Reddit post.


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