Movie characters written by men and women are trending on social media these days. So, we decided why not dig up some famous movie characters that are written by men and women and it shows. These are your favorite characters and you had never guessed before which gender would have written them. Yet, it’s true that the character’s personality describes a lot about their authors. Scroll down below to know some interesting information,
1. Dominika’s character in the movie Red Sparrow was clearly written by a man.
Why we see Dominika’s characters written by a man is because the character is a spy who has to undergo through sexual violence to know secrets. The violence is portrayed as liberation and we think this must have not been glorified as this.
2. While Aimee in Sex Education was clearly written by a woman.
Only a woman could write Aimee’s character from sex education very well as she processes and reports her sexual assault in the later season. All of this has been written realistically.
3. Orange Is the New Black was created by a woman, and it shows.
Different relationships and friendships portrayed in Orange is the new black is written by a woman and could not have been better if a man wrote it.
4. Room, created by women, has a credible female survival thriller character.
The responsibility of a mother towards her child with a thrilling storyline in the Room has been written fantastically by a woman as she understands what its like to be surviving woman.
5. Harley Quinn in The Suicide Squad was written by a man…
6. While her character in Birds of Prey was written by a woman — and it shows.
7. The women in Jane the Virgin were 100% written by a woman.
As this show talks about pregnancy, female friendships, mother-daughter relationships, female jealousy, and sapphic love. it was apparent that a woman wrote it.
8. Lastly, Iris and Amanda in The Holiday scream written by a woman.
The well-rounded female characters that stand alone from male protagonists are shown in The Holiday Scream which makes it clear that these are written by female authors.
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