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Funniest Parenting Memes And Tweets Of The Week That Will Make You Laugh Like Crazy

Parenting will make you cry but parenting memes and tweets will make you laugh like crazy.

Being a parent sounds easy and parenting sounds even easier when you are single and not a parent. When you actually become a parent, all your expectations shatter. It is when you become a parent, you know how tiring this duty is. You might expect you will become an easy-going mom/dad but when you actually become a parent things go different. Handling three to 4 kids at a time will drive you crazy. Parenting is a struggle and we have compiled a list of parenting tweets and memes that you will totally relate to if you are a mom/dad. Leave everything and settle down to enjoy these hilarious tweets and memes because we are sure, they are going to make you laugh like crazy. So, scroll down and laugh with us!

1. When you ask her literally anything.


Source: snarkybreeders

2. I am going to be such a laid back parent.


Source: mom_needsalife

3. How I’m doing:


Source: momsbehavingbadly

4. 5-year old has something to do before going to bed.


Source: XplodingUnicorn

5. Ahh! The satisfaction of doing this is unexplainable.


Source: OhTeeHo

6. Kids are fun!


Source: sarcastic_mommy

7. Are you even helping them with their math homework?

Source: imightbefunny1

8. That’s called aging.


Source: maryfairybobrry


9. Secret to peaceful parenting.

Source: chhapiness

10. Get all the bad guys outta this world!


Source: kevinthedad

11. How many points are we getting then?

Source: whineandcheezits

12. Who is one episode ahead?


Source: mommajessiec

13. Good morning, kid!

Source: classicdadmoves

14. Friend, best friend!


Source: sassypiehole

15. Date night idea from the experts.

Source: marriageandmartinis

16. I need to go potty or I need a new body? We’re confused!


Source: reallifemommy3

17. There are two kinds of people.

Source: storiesofamediocremom

18. We can’t live together honey!


Source: dadmann_walking

19. Parents on weekends be like:

Source: realtoughdad

20. Every time they say “hey mom, watch this”


Source: sarabellab123

From eating the leftover food your kid decides not to eat and getting fat to answering their never-ending questions, parenting seems to give us a hard time. Kids love spin kicks and whenever you hear your kid say “hey mom, watch this!”, chances are you are about to see a spin kick. Kids come up with new things to surprise you every day and we already warn you, if you are planning on being a parent, get mentally ready for this one.

21. You are not alone!

Source: momof1anddone

22. Having a teenage son is fun!


Source: pro_worrier_

23. The more you’ll know her, the more you’ll agree.

Source: itsdeenalang

24. Can you ever be serious?


Source: sixfootcandy

25. Marriage is fun.

Source: simoncholland

26. When you are an adult!


Source: bigtimeadulting

27. You are just built differently.

Source: momjeansplease

28. Signs you are a man.


Source: raddad

29. Life of a mom.

Source: mom_tho

30. I did or I did not?


Source: howtobeadad

31. Are you spouse 1 or spouse 2?

Source: thecatwhisperer

32. When you have kids playing with you all the time.


Source: Dad_At_Law

33. Being tired is a personality.

Source: dadandburied

34. Your blood pressure fluctuates when you are a father of 4 kids.


Source: RodLacroix

35. When your kid wants to move to California but you live in California.

Source: emily_tweets

36. We can feel the embarrassment.


Source: satiricalmommy

37. I do things my way, I redo them her way.

Source: HenpeckedHal

38. Health goals: I’m trying.


Source: messagewithabottle

39. Kids playing tricks on parents.

Source: ksujulie

40. Ah…So much love!


Source: kids_kubed

41. Yeah, Halloween is scary AF!

Source: crockettforreal

42. Dad jokes.

Source: dadsaysjokes

43. When it’s someone else’s kid vs. when it’s yours:

Source: momandburied

We all can relate to this one because this is how our parents are. They would laugh at others kids’ actions and go like “how cute your kid is” but when it’s about us or they see us doing something, expect those angry looks. Whether you are an embarrassing/hilarious parent or have a kid who would love to make you embarrassed, we are loving these parenting tweets and memes. They have made us laugh, what about you? Tell us in the comments below!


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