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Entitled Mom Steals Receptionist’s iPad, It Starts Ringing In Her Bag, Gets Caught Using “Find My” Feature

Choosing beggars always have their illogical reasons to justify their claims.

It is ridiculous when people steal your things and when you catch them, they would start lying about it. I mean why does choosing beggars have to test our patience? Some people steal other’s things because they can’t afford them and had to steal them. Why don’t such people think the other way around? Why don’t they consider other’s issues? A Reddit user who is a receptionist at a car dealership and is a professional artist. She had an old iPad mini and draws when it is not busy at work. One day, she was drawing on her iPad mini and a kid started watching her work with amazement. OP let her watch when her mother noticed her and asked what she is watching. The kid told her that she is watching her draw puppies. Mum then asked her kid if she wants to draw and the kid excitedly said “yes”. OP thought she would take out some notepads and pens but she was expecting OP to give her iPad to the little kid. OP then left pretending her lunch break was over. Scroll down to read what happened next and how this entitled mom stole OP’s iPad.

1. OP works at a car dealership as a receptionist and she is a professional artist too. When it is not busy at work, she starts working on her iPad mini.


Via dontcallmedol

2. OP was working in the waiting area during her lunch break when a little girl started watching her work. OP let her watch.


Via dontcallmedol

3. EM asked her kid what she was watching and she told her that she is watching her paint puppies. EM then asked her kid if she wants to draw and the girl said “yes”. EM was expecting OP to let her kid draw on her iPad.


Via dontcallmedol

4. EM told OP to let the kid draw because she is almost done. OP knew that they are not done yet.


Via dontcallmedol

5. OP then explained to EM why she can’t let her kid draw on her iPad but she didn’t understand it. OP then pretended that her lunch break was over and went back to her desk.


Via dontcallmedol

6. OP went to use the restroom and left her iPad on her seat. She covered it up with a notepad. When she came back, her iPad and Apple Pencil were gone.


Via dontcallmedol

7. OP went to her sales manager and told him the situation. He told her he would take care of it.

Via dontcallmedol

8. OP used the Find My feature and pulled out her iPhone and pressed “Play Sound” for her iPad which was connected to Wi-Fi.


Via dontcallmedol

9. EM tried to hide it first but then told OP:

Via dontcallmedol

10. The Sales Manager told EM that he would happily cancel the deal and would want her to get her girl a birthday present instead of buying a car.


Via dontcallmedol

11. Now OP is not allowed to bring her iPad to work, she is stuck with her notepad and pens.

Via dontcallmedol

12. The Apple pencils now cost $120.


Via dontcallmedol

13. OP wants to talk to her Sales Manager to report EM.

Via dontcallmedol

Have you ever met someone who stole your things? Share your opinion in the comments section down below!


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