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30 People Who Got Put Back Into Their Places After Their Inflated Egos Got Rightfully Slammed

An inflated ego inflates to be burst.

There are many different types of people we see surviving on this planet. Some play the game how it is supposed to be played, these are the good people. Some try to locate the easy way out and win it by identifying loopholes and exploiting the goodness of the god guys, these are the bad people. And there is a third type. These types of people are believers. No, not in God or any religion, these people believe they can do and say anything. These are the people with a very high ego. They believe, ever so strongly, that they can do anything not because they are capable but because they hold superiority over everyone else. An inflated ego can be very damaging to others and to the person possessing it as well. You tend to say stuff or do stuff a normal, sane human being doesn’t normally do. One of those things is “lying”.

Now, the question is what do we do with people who have an inflated ego? A balloon can only inflate to a point, it is bound to pop after it reaches that point. The same happens with these people. Once the ego reaches a dangerously high level, these people make an error and they get slapped big time for that error. That ego is shattered into a million pieces and those people are put back into their rightful places, just the way things were always supposed to be.

Today we are going to enjoy some stories, shared by people from all around the world, about how they dealt with someone who had a very inflated ego. There is a subreddit known as r/askreddit where a person asked the community members to share if they have ever themselves done it or have seen someone break someone’s inflated ego into half. And the post got bombarded with about 2,500 stories. We have compiled the best 30 out of them.

Scroll down below to enjoy!

1. Looks like S had good plans to impress E that day but nature had different plans.





2. Thank god you left her. You don’t deserve love if you ignore David Copperfield.



3. Little kid who flexed on his Dad’s money ended up knowing it was all corruption money.


4. Bragged about being a lawyer in front of a dean of a law school and Justice Scalia’s grandaughter.




5. And he never made fun of a girl again.

6. Mr. Cousin’s ego blinded him as he handed his Caddilac keys to a stranger as he arrived at the restaurant. After the dinner, he was was one tummy full and one Caddilac short.



7. Your army friend should retire.


8. Being a father for a day does not make you an expert in changing pooped diapers, sir.


9. I hate cry babies who argue about not getting 100% instead of their 98%.


10. Well, if only he had tried plugging the thing in properly.



11. When someone announces they are best at something, know that their ego is about to be shattered into pieces.


12. Looks like Dudebro can’t take on anyone in 9 ball.



13. Offered a benchpress competition and got recked.


14. Please don’t bully people because karma can be a real b*tch at times.



15. You don’t go off on a judge. Not his fault, he had no brain cells to function properly.

This is more of a lesson than it is entertainment. Just don’t shoot a shot you don’t know what it will do. Egos have never led anyone to success. Sooner or later, an inflated ego is bound to crumble and when the person realizes what had they been doing, it is often too late.

Other than the wisdom, damn the slaps are very hard. These people really did get shown where they belong, rightfully so.

Scroll down below to continue!

16. A Karen who got put back into her place with a sweet one-liner.

17. Employee with an inflated ego tried to showcase her knowledge about the Queen in front of a Queen fan. Got caught lying instantly.

18. It is what it is.

19. Whoever thinks they are the smartest guy in the room should know their smartness will be put to test.

20. Jacked up guy challenged a semi-mentally handicapped kid to an arm wrestling match and couldn’t even move his arm.

21. A Ph.D. doctor kept bragging about his doctorate to everyone not realizing all those people are specialist doctors.

22. When will these kids understand…making big claims does not magically enhance your knowledge.

23. You only get one shot do not miss your chance to blow. Well, he totally blew this one.

24. I wonder what beautiful wisdom the girlfriend gave this person.

25. Clearly she was in no mood to get the promotion because she quit on the spot but she still decided to go after a qualified employee.

26. Professor called up the wrong student to restrain the hog not knowing she was a master at it. You had to have the practical knowledge to do it, said the girl and clearly, just by narrating how it is done and then selecting a candidate for practical demonstration, the professor thought the student would mess up, and then he would take over allowing his inflated ego to further grow. Not today.

29. The case is simple. This person’s inflated ego ruined his $100,000 car.

30. Safe to say, the brother-in-law won’t be jumping out of his shoes any time soon.

I hope you guys enjoyed this one and will always remember going through this post if that ego ever tried taking over you.

Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section down below. Stay tuned for more!


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