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20 Pets Who Are So Attached To Their Owners That They Can Not Leave Their Side For A Second

Pets are just like babies and they want your attention, all the time.

If you are a pet owner, you probably know how clingy pets really are. They want your attention and want to stick to you. They would not let you use the bathroom alone, go outside without them or leave for work without them. We have seen some of the pets hiding in their owners’ bags so this way they might take them to their work or some of the pets are so clingy that they follow their owners wherever they go. We have seen pets in the offices and even in the classrooms. Someone please hire them as an employee or give them a bachelor’s degree.

As pet lovers, we admire our beloved pets, even if they don’t respect our private space. Even though they might bother us at times when we are trying to do something important but can we really get angry at them? Nope, not a chance! They know how to win our hearts with their adorable and incredibly cute facial expressions and funny actions. Today, we have collected some hilarious pictures of pets being extremely clingy and would refuse to leave their hoomans alone. So, scroll down to see as these pictures are guaranteed to make your day better!

1. “Open the door hooman, I’m not going to hurt you”


2. “Hello dear Sir, how would you like to proceed with your bath today?”


3. “OMG, you’re naked, hooman!?”


4. “He won’t ever leave me alone in the shower.”


5. “We knew you’d come to poop now”


6. “Hello, hooman. Can we get some attention, please?”


7. “I just sat down to work and my cat couldn’t bear it…”

8. “Just when I got done with my shower, this is what I saw.”


9. “My neighbour’s cat keeps an eye on me for some reason.”

10. “Is the water hot or cold?”


Generally, cats are not that clingy but when they are, even God himself can’t save you from them. Because they are not our pets, we are their pets. They can do whatever they like and we cannot bat an eye. Ah, we still love them! Keep scrolling as we have more in store for you.

11. “I was singing in the shower and I felt like someone’s watching me.”

12. “My cat doesn’t like water but when it comes to attention-seeking…Well…”


13. “Hey, you okay? Need anything? No? Okay, I’m here, just in case”

14. “At first, my cat didn’t like water but still she fell asleep while I was in the bathtub and months later, she still does it!”


15. “Why aren’t you looking at us? Is this drawing more important than us?”

16. “Whenever I brush my teeth.”


17. “I feel you creeping, I can see it from my shadow. Wanna jump up in my Lamborghini Gallardo?”

18. “Every time I come to take a dump…”


19. They all know it’s my shower time.

20. “Out of all the comfortable spots, she’d choose to sit on me.”


And here we are, at the end of the post, hoping that you enjoyed every bit of it. Anyways, we would love to know whether your cat respects your privacy or not. Make sure that you share your experiences with us down in the comments section below!


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