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20 Hilarious Photos Of Cats That Prove Cats Can Be Real Jerks

No doubt, cats are adorable and playful but they can also be real jerks.

Cats are the most innocent pets when they are new to a place. As soon as they get used to you and the house, they are a total mess. Owning a cat might seem easy to you but it’s not an easy task at all. They would run into the things you would not want them to be in. They will get excited for no reason and show you their crazy side. They would hide in the fridge, ruin the blinds, steal your chocolates, destroy your rug or couch and leave their marks in the wanted places. Believe it or not, cats are jerks and that is the exact reason why those who love them, love them so dearly. This unique personality is loved by so many and hated by so many as well. Cats are like us, when we turn 18, we want to live our lives on our own terms and the same is the case with our furry friends. They want to do whatever the hell they want. The only difference is, we second guess ourselves and cats commit to the first plan without any further calculations or thought.

Today, we are going to look at some cat examples of this alternating cat behavior and we are sure you are going to enjoy it. Scroll down below to enjoy!

1. Their cat let in all the outside cats to sleep with him.


Via u/keeganvansoelen / reddit

2. Here you can see a cat showing superiority over a dog.


Via unknown / imgur

3. They absolutely love living on the edge, right on it.


Via unknown / imgur

4. They all wanted to get on the table, not caring how they do it. They just did.


Via unknown / imgur

5. What are you looking at, I am just making sure al utensils are clean before you cook my food.


Via AsadQayyum / imgur

6. Please don’t go, I will give you your bed I promise.


Via Kal-El99 / reddit

7. A cat prioritizes its own comfort, not yours.

Via instagram

8. What are you looking at, you know these looks don’t work on me.


Via kittypotter / reddit

9. What? I like being up here looking down at you humans.

Via HSimpson818 / reddit

10. Secret daily meeting to take over the world is going good.


Via ZigguratofDoom / reddit

I swear I have never seen any other creature behave like cats, they are so unique and surprising that even if they are ruining it for you, they still do it in a very adorable way,

Scroll down below to continue!

11. The cat is probably thinking why did humans invent cameras.

Via unknown / imgur

12. This picture represents the two parallel moods of a cat in a single frame, you cannot predict it.


Via Enter_Text_Here / reddit

13. You think they would care about money?

Via instagram

14. Well, I kept asking you to turn on the AC but you didn’t so I had to resort to the fridge.


Via instagram

15. How dare you eat pizza without offering me some? No one gets it anymore.

Via unknown / imgur

16. They will fit any where, I really don’t know how they have bones.


Via PeanutbutterPirate / imgur

17. Got caught red-handed.

Via unknown / imgur

18. When you’re trying to take that morning selfie and your cat casually comes in and takes a shit in the sink.


Via unluckypenguins / imgur

19. Just a cat showing authority over a human who is trying to clean up the mess made by it.

Via this_immortal / reddit

20. You guys better not turn this way.


Via unknown / imgur

I really hope you guys enjoyed it. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section down below.


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